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Welcome to Year 1! Mrs Darvell/ Mrs Jones– 1DJ Class Teachers

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 1! Mrs Darvell/ Mrs Jones– 1DJ Class Teachers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 1! Mrs Darvell/ Mrs Jones– 1DJ Class Teachers
Miss English – 1E Class Teacher Mrs Spratt – 1DJ Class TA Mrs Hopkins/ Miss Pyne– 1E Class TA

2 Topics: Autumn 1: Memories Autumn 2: Paws, Claws and Whiskers Spring 1: Moon Zoom Spring 2: Bright Lights Big City Summer 1: The Enchanted Woodland Summer 2: Scrumdidlyumptious!

3 Reading: Reading records handed in every day by children
Entries in reading records do not have to be school books – any reading can be recorded! We love reading your parent comments as it helps us to see how the children are getting on at home with their books. If the reading record is not signed 3 times per week the children's books will not be changed Please bare with us regarding book colours and levels- we are in the process of assessing the children.

4 School uniform Black school shoes
Shoulder length hair should always be up with school coloured hair bands (green, white, black or grey) Please name everything- especially jumpers! Full P.E kits need to be in school at all times. Trainers for outdoor P.E (any colour is ok) Stud earrings only please – all earrings will be covered during PE with tape.

5 Homework Homework is to be handed in each Wednesday
One homework task from the left grid and that week’s homework from the right hand side Homework will be checked and acknowledged by an adult on a weekly basis We love seeing the children’s homework and each week we choose a new ‘Homework Hero’ who will have the opportunity to share their work with another class or teacher

6 Seesaw A fantastic tool to show your child’s learning
Parent comments / likes Code of conduct Important messages Communication from the teacher

7 Communication Majority of communications will be paperless
It is essential that we have up-to-date addresses and telephone numbers Please ensure you download the app which accompanies the school website Where permission slips are required, we are still working this out. If you have a printer, you can download letters, print and return. Letters & communications may also be made available on SeeSaw

8 Coming into class Outside door will open at 8.40am (please arrive promptly) Children will enter through the outside doors Door to the class closes at 8.50am – children who arrive after this time will need to go to the office When the children arrive they will independently put away their book and belongings Then go to their tables to complete a Morning Task. Morning Tasks are very varied and can be Literacy, Maths or Topic related. Children will leave from the outside doors at 3:15pm. If your child attends an after school club, please wait outside the school gates and an adult will see your child out.

9 Notes for the Diary… Football club starts Monday! 5 children will be chosen at random from each class. October Harvest festival (Class Presentation AU1) - food donation to come to school. December Christingle service (Class Presentation AU2) Children are bring in a large orange. December Christmas fete- 5th December Christmas jumper day / Christmas dinner- (dates to follow) March World book day – Dressing up as favourite book character June- trip. More info to follow soon! 3 x class presentations throughout the year (dates to follow)


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