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Supporting health and wellbeing at the JET Library

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting health and wellbeing at the JET Library"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting health and wellbeing at the JET Library
John Gale JET Library Mid-Cheshire NHS Foundation Trust

2 Pre-existing collection of wellbeing books at the JET Library
Covered: Anxiety Depression Diabetes Weight Management Parkinson’s and other long-term conditions

3 New books on mindfulness
Idea of paying attention to the here and now in a non-judgmental fashion Arising out of Eastern traditions but not itself religious Has been used to treat stress, anxiety, depression and for pain relief Uses meditation – many of the books come with ‘guided’ meditation on a CD

4 Promotion Pulled together a leaflet promoting existing wellbeing collection + the mindfulness books

5 Expansion Seized on by Occupational Health Now includes:
Information about the Trust’s Health and Wellbeing group Yoga classes run by MacMillan Link to Crewe Park Run Complementary therapies Staff-support telephone number Counselling and Coaching Resilience workshops

6 Circulation Now on the Trust intranet
Given to every new member of staff

7 Elevation Susan on the Trust’s EWAG group
Regular HR searches started to come up out of this

8 Sickness Absence I Cost the NHS £1.1bn a year
Women are more likely to be off sick than men Full-time staff more likely than part-time staff Main causes: Respiratory disorders Digestive disorders Musculoskeletal problems (30%) Mental-health problems

9 Sickness Absence II Complex interplay between people’s bodies and minds and their work environment

10 Sickness Absence III Physical factors: Fitness Weight Smoking Alcohol
Exercise Sleep

11 Sickness Absence IV Psychological factors:
Finding meaning in one’s work Enjoying one’s job Respect from colleagues Self-efficacy Mental health problems

12 Sickness Absence V Organisational factors:
Workplace bullying by far the most important Employee development Good communication Employee participation and involvement Stability Teamwork Autonomy

13 Sickness Absence VI Interventions: Fast-track access to physiotherapy
Phased returns Early referrals to occupational health Giving people more autonomy BUT Often ‘no one takes it seriously until it’s serious.’

14 Sickness Absence VII The Bottom Line:
Fit happy people in a happy workplace take less time off sick!

15 Read all about it! Making People Count A monthly HR/OD bulletin from the JET Library – has a section on Wellbeing

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