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Defnydd Diogel o Staff Asiantaeth – BRIFF 7 MUNUD Safe Use of Agency Staff 7 MINUTE BRIEFING
1. Rhesymau dros 1. Reason for briefing y briff
Bu digwyddiad mewn Awdurdod Lleol yn Lloegr lle profir fod aelod o staff asiantaeth, a gyflogir i weithio gydag oedolion gydag anghenion gofal a chymorth yn anniogel. Darganfu ymchwiliad diogelu dilynol bod un o'r staff wedi bod yn honni i fod yn rhywun arall. An incident occurred in a Local Authority in England where an agency member of staff, employed to work with adults with care and support needs proved to be unsafe. A subsequent safeguarding enquiry discovered that the member of staff had been posing as someone else.
2. Rhesymau dros 2. Reason for briefing y briff
Yn genedlaethol, bu nifer o rybuddion diogelu yn ymwneud â staff asiantaeth neu nyrsys, gyda chyhuddiadau’n cynnwys esgeuluso a hepgor gofal Codi ymwybyddiaeth gyda darparwyr gofal i ddeall eu cyfrifoldebau wrth ddefnyddio staff asiantaeth, yn unol â deddfwriaeth a chanllawiau I sicrhau diogelwch trigolion a defnyddwyr gwasanaethau, rhaid i ddarparwyr gwasanaethau sicrhau eu hunain bod unrhyw un sy’n gweithio yn eu gwasanaeth yn gymwys ac yn ddiogel i wneud hynny. Mae hyn yn cynnwys staff sy’n cael eu cyflogi drwy asiantaethau. Nationally there have been a number of safeguarding alerts involving agency care staff or nurses, with allegations including neglect and omissions of care To raise awareness with care providers to understand their responsibilities when using agency staff, in line with legislation and guidance To ensure the safety of residents and service users, service providers must assure themselves that anyone working in their service is competent and safe to do so. This includes staff who are employed via agencies.
3. Materion Allweddol 3. Key Issues
Mae’n gyfraith bod unigolion a gefnogir at ddiben gweithgaredd a reoleiddir ac yn ‘addas a phriodol’. Y diffiniad o hyn yw: “(a) yn dda eu cymeriad, (b) bod ganddynt y cymwysterau, gallu, sgiliau a phrofiad lle bo modd i’r gwaith gael ei gyflawni ganddynt, a (c) yn gallu, oherwydd eu hiechyd, ar ôl i addasiadau rhesymol gael eu gwneud, o gyflawni tasgau sy'n hanfodol i'r gwaith maent yn cael eu cyflogi i'w wneud It is the law that persons employed for the purposes of a regulated activity are ‘fit and proper’. This is defined as: “ (a) be of good character, (b) have the qualifications, competence, skills and experience which are necessary for the work to be performed by them, and (c) be able by reason of their health, after reasonable adjustments are made, of properly performing tasks which are intrinsic to the work for which they are employed
4. Materion Allweddol 4. Key Issues
Rhaid i bob gwasanaeth sy’n defnyddio staff asiantaeth gynnig mynediad i staff at eu polisïau a’u prosesau trefniadol i sicrhau eu bod yn deall eu cyfrifoldebau wrth weithio gydag oedolion sydd ag anghenion gofal a chymorth. All services using agency staff must provide the staff with access to their organisational policies and processes to ensure that they understand their responsibilities when working with adults with care and support needs.
5. Materion Allweddol 5. Key Issues
Dyma rai o gyfrifoldebau’r darparwr gofal: Polisi a gweithdrefnau ar gyfer rheoli cam-drin oedolion, neu’r perygl o gamdriniaeth gan gynnwys gweithdrefnau rhannu pryderon Bodloni eu hunain bod staff asiantaeth wedi cael eu recriwtio’n briodol (gan gynnwys gwiriadau geirdaon a gwiriadau Datgelu a Gwahardd (DBS)) ac yn cael eu Sefydlu a’u hyfforddi ac yn derbyn goruchwyliaeth barhaus Gwirio’r wefan NMC ar-lein i sicrhau bod nyrsys wedi eu cofrestru Responsibilities of the care provider include: Policy & procedures for managing adult abuse, or the risk of abuse including whistleblowing procedures Satisfying themselves that agency staff have been recruited appropriately (including reference checks and Disclosure and Barring (DBS) checks) and are Inducted and trained and Provided with ongoing supervision Checking the online NMC website to ensure nurses are registered
7. Materion Allweddol 5. Key Issues
Rheoli cyhuddiadau yn erbyn unigolion sy’n gweithio gydag oedolion mewn perygl, gan gynnwys rhoi gwybod i gyrff proffesiynol ynglŷn â chamymddwyn Os oes pryderon fod aelod o staff (asiantaeth ai peidio) wedi peri niwed, neu eu bod yn peri perygl o niwed i grwpiau diamddiffyn; darparwyr gofal, mae ymrwymiad cyfreithiol arnynt i gyfeirio gwybodaeth berthnasol at y gwasanaeth GDG ations/disclosure-and-barring- service Managing allegations against persons working with adults at risk, including reporting to professional bodies in relation to misconduct If there are concerns that a staff member (agency or not) has caused harm, or poses a risk of harm to vulnerable groups; care providers have a legal obligation to refer relevant information to the DBS service organisations/disclosure-and-barring- service
7. Beth i’w wneud? 7. What to do?
Use an agency you are confident complies with the above; establish your requirements for fit, proper staff Check written references and DBS. if in doubt about fitness to practice speak to the agency to obtain details of previous employers Where possible, request agency staff whose competence is already established Raise a safeguarding alert where there is an allegation of abuse or neglect, report any practice concerns to the agency and/or professional body Observe practice Defnyddio asiantaeth rydych yn hyderus sy’n cydymffurfio â’r uchod; sefydlu eich gofynion ar gyfer staff addas, priodol Gwirio geirdaon ysgrifenedig a DBS. Os oes amheuaeth am addasrwydd i ymarfer, siaradwch â’r asiantaeth i gael manylion cyflogwyr blaenorol Lle bo modd, gofynnwch am staff asiantaeth rydych eisoes wedi sefydlu eu cymhwysedd Seiniwch rybudd diogelwch lle mae cyhuddiad o gamdriniaeth neu esgeulustod, rhowch wybod am unrhyw bryderon ynghylch ymarfer i’r asiantaeth ac/ neu gorff proffesiynol Arsylwi ar ymarfer
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