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Discovering the Cell Standard S7L2b:

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Presentation on theme: "Discovering the Cell Standard S7L2b:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discovering the Cell Standard S7L2b:
Relate cells structures (cell membranes, nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, mitochondria) to basic cell functions

2 Did You Know? We are made up of microscopic living things called: CELLS There are Approximately 100 TRILLION cells in the Human Body. 100 Trillion


4 Organelles structures in the cell
carry out specific functions in the cell

5 The Parts of the Cell Cells are made up of Different Parts!
Each Part has a Specific Function! The Parts: Nucleus Mitochondria Cytoplasm Endoplasmic Reticulum Ribosomes Golgi Complex Vacuoles Lysosomes Cell Membrane

6 The Nucleus DNA (our genes) Found here! Acts like the Brain!
Directs all of the cell’s activities i.e. tells all the other parts what to do! Houses Nucleolus


8 nuclei and actin filaments in cultured epithelial cells

9 Found INSIDE the Nucleus!
Nucleolus Found INSIDE the Nucleus!

10 Ribosomes Protein Factory! Smallest of ALL organelles

11 Where are Ribosomes?

12 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Carry Proteins and other cell materials from one part of cell to another! Like Roadways! Two Types: Smooth and Rough Rough E.R. has Ribosomes Smooth E.R. does NOT have Ribosomes!

13 Where are The Smooth and Rough ER?

14 Smooth and Rough ER


16 Mitochondria Powerhouse of the Cell
Break down Sugar to Produce all Energy! In the form of ATP


18 Cell Membrane -A protective barrier that encloses a cell. -Separates the cell’s contents from the cells environment. -Cell Membrane is like a Fence.

19 Cell Wall Plant Cell Only!
Rigid, cellulose structure that gives support to a cell. Although made of different materials algae, fungi, bacteria, and archaea also have cell walls. Like a wall!

20 Cell Pictures Cell wall Cell membrane Cell membrane

21 Chloroplast Plant Cell Only!! Makes food for the cell.
Chlorophyll traps the sunlight needed to perform photosynthesis and gives plants their green color. Like a Restaurant!


23 Golgi Complex A.K.A Golgi Apparatus Like Postoffice
Receives Proteins (mail) from the E.R. Packages them (puts it in envelope) Distributes them to other parts of cell (Mailman)



26 Where Is the Golgi Complex?

27 Vacuoles The Storage Container Stores food and water

28 Where are The Vacuoles? Some Animal Cells have Vacuoles while Others Don’t!!

29 Lysosomes Janitors of the Cell Break down old cell parts!
Release them for recycling


31 Cytoplasm Gel-like fluid found all throughout the cell. Like Jell-O
Constantly Moving (Swishing around) All Other Parts are Suspended in Cytoplasm!

32 Cytoskeleton A network of protein filaments
Gives shape and support to cells.

33 Recap: Each Organelle has a Function: Cytoplasm? Nucleus?
Surrounds and Constantly Moves Organelles Nucleus? Brain Mitochondria? Powerplant Endoplasmic Reticulum? Roadways Ribosomes? Protein Factories Golgi Bodies? Post Office Vacuoles? Food Storage Containers Lysosomes? Janitors

34 Venn Diagram of Plant and Animal Cells

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