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Welcome to Banksy Class

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1 Welcome to Banksy Class
A brief overview

2 Banksy Class – year 6 In year 6 there is an expectation that children become more independent and motivated learners. Whilst we have many new things to learn during the year, we also spend time revising and revisiting work that has been covered in previous years. Much of the work done in year 6 builds on previous learning. We will spend time identifying any gaps in understanding and will work on plugging those gaps before we move on.


4 Class rules Class rules in year 6 are the same as in any other year.
Children should wear full uniform and have their pe kit in school. Expectations of behaviour and attitude to work in year 6 are high. We have a zero tolerance attitude and expect all children to follow the rules and work to the very best of their ability.

5 Class responsibilities
Year 6 have a variety of duties. Each child has their own duty and these change at least termly. Children have the chance to become a great ambassador if they meet the following criteria with consistency.

6 SATS! At the end of the year, your child will sit their sats exams.
I will prepare them through work in class as well as using past papers and sample questions and exercises to help them. There will be booster groups after February half term which your child may be invited to attend. We will use past papers to track progress as well as to identify areas that require revision or more in depth teaching. We will often split into smaller groups to enable us to tailor input and work to a variety of levels.

7 SATS continued: Your child will sit sats in reading, GPS, spelling and maths (3 papers). There is no sats test for writing. I assess your child over the year from the work in their books and use set criteria to give them a level. These results are moderated across the county. I will report progress and attainment expectations at parents evenings but am happy to discuss your child at any time during the year. As a baseline, your child will be sitting a set of sats papers after their stubbers trip.

8 homework Homework will be given out weekly. Children will have one piece of English work and one piece of maths to complete. This will not only help in revising and revisiting areas of the curriculum, but it will prepare the children for the homework they will receive at secondary school. Should your child be unable to complete their homework at home, they will have the opportunity to stay in with me on a Monday lunchtime. Please ensure that your child reads regularly at home. Speed and accuracy are vital skills for the sats reading paper. Times table knowledge will help your child greatly in their maths sats. Nearer to sats, you may want your child to practise at home. If you would like any guidance at this time please come and speak to me.

9 Anything else? I am at work from 7.15am to at least 4.30pm everyday (except Friday afternoon) Please come and see me if you need any clarification or have questions or concerns. We all want the same for your child – for them to be the very best they can.

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