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Organization & Time Management

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Presentation on theme: "Organization & Time Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organization & Time Management
An asset to your business

2 organization This is key to success
When you know where things are at & are comfortable with it, things run more smoothly

3 *Small steps to organize heaven…
Visual file organizer cascading up to see file folders with specified tabs Example Pending orders/misc. orders & Submitted orders, Scentsy do within 1 week Binders!!! Order binder: all ordering info Scentsy binder: Treasure chest full of great ideas Team Binder Party Binder Business Binder for that Calendar year My Favorite: Clear Plastic Sleeves!!

4 Need IT NOW! Things I have at my finger tips!
Catalog Orders forms calculators bank deposit slips, thank you cards, post it notes, pens, markers, ECT…

5 To do list- VERY IMPORTANT
Every SINGLE day make a NEW to do list!!! Transfer over the items you weren't able to accomplish from the day before over to the new day ahead of you- Carry that list around with you all day so you constantly see it & can visualize your priorities- We all make a list of groceries we need right? Same idea goes towards your business- we cant forget the “milk” or breakfast wont be the same w/o it  We can’t forget to send that hostess packet, or the party will be a bust!

6 Accordion Hostess Folder
Everything you need to stuff your hostess packet together within 2 minutes!!

7 Pull Tags! Use these on all inventory in your business: business cards, catalogs, order forms, print paper, light bulbs, anything you want to be able to order ahead of time so you never run out! I use index cards, with what the product is, & the minimum amount I still have on hand bundled in that rubber band.

8 Plastic Drawer Bins Drawer #1: Catalogs!!
Drawer #2: Geared to delivery, stickers, brochures Drawer #3: Prize drawer Hostess gifts, team gifts, booking incentive gifts

9 Treasure Chest of Prizes!!

10 Discontinued Testers- shoe box or plastic tote

11 Filing Cabinet Keep your personal, & business files separate!
Stay on top of the filing so things stay in order & safe!

12 Closet Storage Inventory on hand shelf
My inventory I use/warmers currently in my home Paper products, paper, envelopes, markers

13 Why to organize TODAY! When you are organized it helps you to manage your time better & stay focused You have a sense of accomplishment knowing you know where things are and are safely organized  Its helps others to be reassured that you can run your business effectively knowing that YOU know where things are at a drop of a hat!

14 Time Management Have you ever felt unaccomplished at the end of a day & realized you wasted most of it accomplishing a fraction of what you had intended to do? If you find this is you- then you may be spending too much time on LOW priority stuff. Fact of the matter is this: When it comes right down to it you already have all the time your going to get! No one is going to give you more hours in the day, its is what it is & we have to make the best of our time each and everyday.

15 Thought for the day- “You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it” –Charles Bixton

16 How to manage organizational time
First and foremost, we must be able to identify our objectives. What is the objective that we want to accomplish? What are the tasks we will need to accomplish to accomplish the objective? When do we need to have the objective completed? How long and what resources are required to accomplish the tasks? Next, we classify our tasks, and one way that is Think of time as an empty jar The big rocks are the most important activities, things that must get done today The small rocks are the lesser important activities, but things we need do our best to get done today The sand represents the least important activities; activities that if you don’t get to today it’s truly OK, roll them to tomorrow or the day after

17 Continued… If you have to get the most rocks in the jar, put the big ones in first, then the small ones, then put the sand in to fill the gaps to fill up the spaces left by the rocks. Sometimes priorities change day-to-day and what was sand on Monday graduates to a small rock by Wednesday and by Friday it is now a big rock, but you knew about it and managed it all week long.

18 Poor management of time
Visualize with me… Poor management of time

19 Prioritize… Top priority items go into the schedule first…fill it up with the rest of the low priority items after….!

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