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Winnipeg Model -Provincial Police Act -Community needs values and

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Presentation on theme: "Winnipeg Model -Provincial Police Act -Community needs values and"— Presentation transcript:

1 Winnipeg Model -Provincial Police Act -Community needs values and
Winnipeg Police Board – Role/Mandate -Provincial Police Act -Community needs values and expectations -Governance role -Connectivity to CAO/Council

2 Strategic Plan Values Vision Mission Goals Strategies

3 A Culture of Safety For All
Vision Statement A Culture of Safety For All

4 Link Strategic and Business Planning

5 Strategic and Business Planning

6 Reporting Cycles

7 Informed by: 2018 Strategic Plan Update -Environmental Scan Report
-Community Trends Report -Environmental Scan Report -Budget -Quarterly dashboards -Trend analysis -Community Feedback -Bi-Annual Survey

8 Bi-Annual Phone Survey
Comprehensive, Scientific & Longitudinal: -Public perception of WPS (trust, confidence, professionalism, fairness, courteous) -Overall quality/satisfaction of service delivery -Perception of crime and safety (downtown and community) -Specific Issues (phot enforcement, crime prevention)

9 Strategic Plan Measures and Targets

10 WPS 2018 Business Plan 4 Goals 13 Objectives 74 Actions 53 Measures

11 2018 Business Plan


13 STAR - 90 Day Reporting Cycle
Strategic Tracking And Reporting Objectives Last 90 days Next 90 days Performance Metrics or Milestones Risks & Barriers Next Steps and Discussion

14 Public Facing Reporting

15 Visual Overview of Progress

16 Highlights by Goal Progress visualized Progression captured
Achievements noted Barriers identified

17 Lessons Learned Pat Mckay Pat Locker Room

18 Lessons Learned X Less is more! ? Performance Metrics are challenging
X Lengthy dialogue in plan is not read ? Annual Business Plan is rigorous Data visualization is helpful “Placemats” provides branding ? Public consultation is challenging ? 5 years was somewhat challenging

19 Small Group Discussion
Discuss the role of police boards in developing effective strategic plans…some questions…

20 Group 1: What activities have you undertaken to engage citizens and what were the results? Group 2 How many years is your plan and how effective has that been? Group 3 How have Boards and Services worked together to develop? What was the process?

21 Group 4 What performance metrics have you used and why? Second Question: 1 & 2 What two things worked well? 3 & 4 What two things were challenging?

22 Executive Summary Thank you for sharing your perspectives on ways to strengthen strategic planning and for hearing about our journey and for sharing your experiences.

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