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Agami Reddy (rev- May 2019) Traditional air-water systems - 2-pipe and 4-pipe - central air for ventilation Chilled beams (active and passive) Dedicated Outdoor Air System ( DOAS) - principle and advantages - different components Evaporative cooling: direct-indirect Desiccant dehumidification systems Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
All-water systems do not have proper outdoor air control Air is allowed to trickle in from outside openings-unreliable Fig Photo of a room with trickle ventilation along with baseboard heating (from Kolderup) All-air systems brings in the needed outdoor but this is mixed with supply air. HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
Traditional Air-Water Systems
Explicit path for ventilation air which is different from all-air systems Common issue with water dripping from unit onto floor Fig. 20.2(a) Two-pipe air-water system with local outside air supply and fan coil terminal units. A single circulation pump is used. HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Central Air-Water System (first attempt to decouple ventilation and room loads) Individual Heat Pumps for room loads Outdoor air supply ducting is not shown- has to have its own conditioning system Common Operational Strategy Boilers – - Comes on when loop temperature < 70o F - Heat pumps do not supply any heat - All heating supplied by boiler Cooling tower (no central chiller) - Cools down loop water by evap cooling - Comes on when loop temperature > 90o F - Heat pumps still supply cooling HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Central Air-Water System contd… (showing separate ventilation air supply) Outdoor air is supplied locally (by unit ventilators) or centrally via a constant-volume system (next slide). -Typical applications: Exterior spaces of office buildings not requiring close control of humidity Primary or ventilation air (usually constant) Fig Central closed loop individual water heat pump units with a central ventilation system (not shown) HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Outdoor air brought in to meet ventilation needs- this air needs to be conditioned- Requires its own heating and cooling equipment Inside the rooms Plan view HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Table 20.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Air-Water Systems Advantages Disadvantages Ideally, combines the best features of all-water and all-air systems If designed badly, the worst features of all-water and air-systems can result Low transport energy needed while meeting ventilation comfort requirements Requires more maintenance because of numerous individual zone units Air duct size reduced Controls tend to be more complicated Central air handler size reduced Not suitable for high exhaust air requirements Good for spaces with highly variable loads Severe damage if pipes leak Easy to shut off water supply in unoccupied spaces Cannot shut off primary air to unoccupied spaces Good for exterior spaces Humidity control may be difficult Can simul. heat and cool different spaces Can be combined with ventilation heat recovery devices (heat wheels) Can be combined with water loop HP HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS)
Single-zone systems are simple as far as introducing the proper amounts of Outdoor Air (OA) Multiple-zone recirculation systems (typically VAV) are problematic since it is difficult to guarantee the proper amounts of OA during entire range of climatic conditions. Hence excess outdoor air is drawn- energy penalty incurred 100 % Outdoor Air Systems (or DOAS) are the most reliable system for introducing proper amounts of OA for multiple zones during the full operating range of the system. HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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DOAS contd… DOAS units are 100 % Outdoor Air units with the ability to bring 100 % outdoor air to all spaces at all times Typical DOAS are air-handling units that cool, dehumidify, heat, humidify and filter the outdoor air prior to being introduced to the conditioned space This approach allows the individual space units to handle only the space cooling and heating loads It is preferable, however, to introduce the outdoor air at lower humidity ratio than the desired space humidity ratio in order to allow the zone HVAC unit to handle only the space sensible cooling load Must have a heat recovery system Significant energy savings are said to occur since generally 20-30% less outdoor air must be conditioned as compared to a VAV system for multizone spaces HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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The term DOAS is used differently by different people. -To some DOAS is the outdoor air conditioning unit (as shown above) which also meets the room latent load, To others, for a system to qualify as DOAS it needs to satisfy the above condition PLUS (next slide): (a) outdoor air and return air are totally separated, (b) return air is not recirculated, (c) exhaust air heat recovery HX used, (d) efficient room air distribution sensible devices used (chilled beams, radiant panels,…) HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Components of DOAS unit: Fig General arrangement of the DOAS with state points 1-2 Air cooled and dehumidified by enthalpy wheel 2-3 Supply air passes over a dehumidification coil to cool as necessary but more importantly to dehumidify the air to a state which can meet the latent loads of the space as well. In case the outdoor air is dry enough, the cooling coil need not dehumidify the air. Advised not to use DX coil, but a chilled water coil because of better control 3-4 Another sensible heat wheel is used to heat the supply air as necessary HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
Example 20.6 DOAS Design Example
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4 HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Comments In addition to the DOAS cooling coil, the designer has to select a sensible cooling system to remove the sensible loads of the space. Several options are available: chilled beams or radiant cooling panels or DX systems such as mini split units (VRF), or chilled water based fan coils units. HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Fig DOAS with overhead air distribution and parallel radiant cooling system (whose chilled water supply is not shown) – - - HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
DOAS from underfloor air distribution with Chilled Beams
Separate air system is required for ventilation (outdoor air) and space dehumidification The separate air system can be a DOAS with dehumidification capability Often chilled beams because of their limited cooling capacity are used in conjunction with CAV systems (only recently are they being used with VAV systems) They are also used with under-floor and displacement ventilation Underfloor Displacement ventilation HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Typical DOAS include the following major components: HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
Increasing Popularity: Chilled Beams (Two types: Passive and Active)
Uses convection to cool/heat In active type, primary air supplied from air handler to increase convection- similar to fan-powered VAV Passive type: Only cooling coil is used to condition the space Quiet since no forced air is supplied Takes time to condition the space HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
Chilled Beams (can get 4-14 LEED points)
Chilled beams are coils meant to provide Space sensible cooling- by passing chilled water thru them Cannot provide dehumidification! Heat transfer by both convection (primary mode) and radiation Primarily used for cooling Much higher cooling capacity (4 – 6 times greater) than radiant systems Elevated temperature ( around 60o F) chilled water used (to avoid condensation in the space) Chilled beams can provide better thermal comfort and lower energy cost than traditional HVAC systems Typical applications: offices and admin areas Chilled beams can be a cost effective solution for laboratories. Low noise, significant energy savings, good occupant comfort! HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Passive Chilled Beams There are two types of chilled beams: Passive and Active Passive chilled beams providing the cooling effect by natural convection and flow of the room air thru the cooling coil. Chilled water circulates inside the beam’s cooling coil piping (similar to hydronic terminal units) There is no primary air supply. Fig Ceiling mounted passive chilled beam (a) Picture of a unit, (b) Air flow patterns with interior components HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Max about 400 Btu/hr-ft Cooling capacity per unit length (W/m) for a 10 K temp. diff Fig Example of a specification sheet of a passive chilled beam manufacturer fo free area of bottom perforated cover plate (%), B width (mm), H height (mm) and Z suspension height from lower edge of ceiling to upper edge of chilled beam (mm) HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Active or Induction Chilled Beams (have conditioned primary air supply) Max about 600 Btu/hr-ft Fig Ceiling mounted active chilled beams: (a) Picture of a unit, (b) Air flow patterns with interior components HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Active Chilled Beams Active chilled beams (also called Induction Chilled Beams) provide cooling effect by integrating primary air supply induction effect and supplementary cooling by a built-in cooling coil. Chilled water circulates inside ceiling cooling coil piping. An air system supplies primary around 60oF for ventilation and space dehumidification to the Ceiling Induction Diffuser. The ratio between primary air and total supply air can vary from 1:5 to 1:3 The separate air system can be a DOAS with dehumidification capability HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
Evaporative Cooling Evaporative cooling systems have been utilized for many years for applications such as residential, commercial, and industrial. They are cost effective in low wet bulb locations. The process of evaporative cooling is an adiabatic evaporation of water which provides the cooling effect. Three (3) evaporative cooling mechanisms are typically used: - Direct Evaporative Cooling - Indirect Evaporative cooling. - Indirect/Direct Evaporative Cooling In many cases indirect evaporative cooling systems used to pre-cool the air and additional mechanical cooling maintains desired conditions. Special attention is given to water treatment issues. HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Cooling Strategies : Direct and Indirect one stage evaporative cooling Direct evaporative cooling Indirect evaporative cooling HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Fig (a) Direct evaporative cooler showing key components, including wetted pads, blower, motor, and water supply system. (b) Typical direct evaporative cooling process plotted on the psychrometric chart HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
(a) Direct Evaporative Cooling
This is an incomplete adiabatic saturation process Model using concept of “available DBT depression %” Say, if this is 80%, then x( )= 82.4 is the exit DBT of air 3 HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Cool Towers or Passive Down Draft Towers- examples of direct cooling HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Fig Evaporative cooling media Fig Example of evaporative cooler effectiveness fFor different pad thickness and air flows HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
(b) Indirect Evaporative Cooling
Fig Indirect evaporative cooler system diagram. HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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(c) Indirect-Direct two stage evaporative cooling Two stage evaporative cooler HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Psychrometrics of Evaporative cooling systems : Fig Indirect and direct evaporative cooling processes plotted on a psychrometric chart. Indirect process is at constant humidity ratio whereas direct process is at constant enthalpy HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Actual Building with evaporative cooling (direct) & humidification HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid CH2 Building, Australia
Active Desiccant Based Dehumidification Systems
Fig Active desiccant based dehumidification system (Courtesy of Munters, DryCool) HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
Active Desiccant Systems contd…
Desiccant dehumidifier absorbs moisture from the air thru a difference in vapor pressure As the air dehumidifies in the desiccant its latent heat is converted to sensible heat resulting in increase of the air temperature Every desiccant unit has two air streams. Process air and Reactivation air (sometimes called Regeneration) Thermal energy used to reactivate the desiccant HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
Active Desiccant Systems contd…
Desiccant materials naturally attract moisture from gases and liquids. The material becomes saturated as moisture is absorbed or collects on the surface; but when heated, the desiccant dries out (regenerates) and can be used again. Conventional solid desiccants include silica gel, activated alumina, molecular sieves. Titanium silicate, a class of material called "1M," and synthetic polymers are new solid desiccant materials designed to be more effective for cooling applications. The desiccant is impregnated or formed in place in an Honeycomb Matrix. HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Fig Desiccant and regeneration system with process (space supply) and return air streams . HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Fig More commonly used (practical) system configuration with separate return air stream and regeneration air stream HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
Active Desiccant Systems contd…
Typical applications are: - DOAS for hotels, schools, dormitories - Dehumidification in Supermarkets, Ice Rinks, & industrial facilities where the desired humidity level is lower then typically achieved by mechanical cooling (Mechanical cooling can provide around 50 grains/lb or lb/lb) HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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VRF Systems Invented in Japan by Daikin VRFs use refrigerant directly as the cooling and heating medium. Conditioning of the refrigerant by a single outdoor condensing unit, and is circulated within the building to multiple fan coil units. Good application in add-ons, historical buildings, retrofit situations, office buildings, strip malls, banks, schools, hotels, etc due to compartmentalized comfort conditioning. VRF systems are enhanced versions of ductless multi-split systems, permitting more indoor units to be connected to each outdoor unit and providing additional features such as simultaneous heating and cooling and heat recovery. VRF technology uses smart integrated controls, variable speed drives, refrigerant piping, and heat recovery to provide products with attributes that include high energy efficiency, flexible operation, ease of installation, low noise, zone control, and comfort using all-electric technology. HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Provides individualized air conditioning to different rooms as needed HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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VRF HVAC systems are DX heat pump technology platform built on standard reverse Rankine vapor compression cycle. Salient Features of a VRF system: a) Zoning System b) Operates as Heat Pump c) Simultaneous heating and cooling d) Multiple indoor units- up to 50 indoor units per system e) Connected Diversity- up to 150% f) Inverter Technology/ Variable speed compressor. System Types : There are 3 basic types of VRF systems 1) Cooling only 2) Heat Pump 3) Heat Recovery HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Advantages of VRF Systems Installation Advantages: Lightweight and modular. Modularity enables staged or floor by floor installation. Easy retrofitting. Comfort: Many zones possible each with individual set point control. Capacity Modulation: VRF systems enable wide capacity modulation and bring rooms to the desired temperature extremely quickly and keep temperature fluctuations to minimum. Precise temperature control. Energy efficient: Ductless system, therefore no losses. Simultaneous heating and cooling to different zones are possible, each individual indoor unit can be controlled by a programmable thermostat. Separate billings can be generated by VRF systems which makes individualizes billings easier. Variable speed compressors with 10 to 100% capacity range can be used by VRF systems that provide unmatchable flexibility for zoning to save energy. HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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Outcomes Knowledge of the different types of traditional air-water systems and how they differ from all-water and all-air systems Understanding the operational principles of the traditional air-water system types Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of air-water systems Knowledge of the two different types of chilled beams and their operational principles Be able to design chilled beams for rooms given manufacturer’s tables Understanding the unique features of DOAS and the dvnatges they provide Be able to design DOAS systems for simple cases Knowledge of different types of evaporative cooling systems and understanding their operating principle Knowledge of active desiccant system configurations, and understanding their operating principles Familiarity with VRF systems and their advantages HCB 3-Chap 20B: Air-Water_Hybrid
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