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Welcome to our Academy Class of 2024

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our Academy Class of 2024"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our Academy Class of 2024

2 Our New Academy September 2019


4 Our commitment to you: Honesty

5 Our commitment to you: Excellence

6 Our commitment to you: Aspiration

7 Our Expectations Coats off in the school building at all times
Appropriate School footwear, NO trainers Appropriate length School skirt No facial piercings, one stud earring per ear Blazer is worn at all times School Tie is worn at all times and shirt tucked in Hair is natural in colour School equipment is brought daily No false nails/nail varnish

8 High Standards If a mobile phone is seen throughout the school day, it will be confiscated and only be returned to a parent/carer. If headphones are seen, they will also be confiscated along with the mobile device attached to it. If you arrive to lesson more than 5 minutes late without a pass or note, you will be given a one hour same day after school detention. All C3’s issued up until 2pm will result in a 1 hour same day detention. Any C3’s given after 2pm will be rolled over to the following day.

9 Behaviour for Learning
To arrive to school promptly every day by 8:20am To be fully equipped for all lessons at all times To wear full school uniform at all times To show respect for self, other students, all staff, visitors and any other adults associated with the school To respond positively and politely to instructions from any member of staff, first time and every time To work to the best of ability at all times To respect the property of the school and others at all times To uphold these expectations when in the local and wider community Non-compliance with these expectations will bring disciplinary sanctionnment

10 Uniform Expectations

11 Our Expectations

12 Detentions

13 Modelling Excellence slips to acknowledge:
Rewards Modelling Excellence slips to acknowledge: Responsible behaviour Going above and beyond Displaying British values Excellent homework Outstanding effort Excellent class or coursework Improved results Raised attendance and punctuality Exceptional behaviour Taking a position of responsibility

14 Dining Room

15 Calm and Orderly

16 Week One Menu

17 Week Two Menu

18 Week Three Menu

19 Attendance

Length Period 1 - Registration 25 mins Period 1 - PSHEE 50 mins Period 2 1 hr 55 mins Period 3 Break 15 mins Period 4 Period 5 Lunch 30 mins Period 6 - Reading Period 7 Period 8 (Y11 only)

21 The School Day 8.30-8.55: Form Morning Registration Monday Tuesday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Year 7 -Cue & Standards SMSC (re-visit vocabulary) -PSHE -Assembly Vocabulary -Literacy/ Numeracy Interventions Numeracy : Form Afternoon Activity Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Year 7 -Mastery -Shared Reading

22 Teaching and Learning


24 Passport

25 Passport Science and Industry Museum Theatre Visits
Cadburys Museum- Birmingham The Lowry – Liverpool Oldham College Huddersfield University Liverpool University Chester University Anne Frank Trust Mosque Visit

26 Year 7 Castleshaw Visit Form Castleshaw visit A Monday 30th September
Friday 4th October B Tuesday 1st October F Tuesday 8th October C Wednesday 2nd October G Wednesday 9th October D Thursday 3rd October H Thursday 10th October

27 Year Team Year 7 Team Mrs Jones & Mrs Leach

28 Our Roles Deal with any issues students might have Behaviour Rewards
Attendance First port of call for parental contact and meetings Attainment and Progress

29 What has your child done today?
Met their form tutor and form group Taken part in a selection of lessons that they will be undertaking from September Had their finger prints taken for the school biometrics system Hopefully had lots of fun.

30 Your first day in September!
Your first day as Year 7 will be: Thursday 5th September 2019 You will need to arrive at school for no later than 8.20 You will be met by Form Tutors, Leadership and Year Teams on the top yard. Please ensure you are in full uniform and with correct equipment.

31 Mrs Jackson Welfare Officer
Year Team Mrs Jackson Welfare Officer

32 My Role Deal with any medical issues First Aid
I am someone you can go to for support emotionally and mentally I can offer advice & support for medical & welfare needs including emotional and mental well-being

33 Round up of Day 1 and what's to follow Day 2
Year Team Round up of Day 1 and what's to follow Day 2

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