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DAE Model D = describe the event. A = analyse the event/object/photo several ways. E = evaluate your results.

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Presentation on theme: "DAE Model D = describe the event. A = analyse the event/object/photo several ways. E = evaluate your results."— Presentation transcript:




4 DAE Model D = describe the event. A = analyse the event/object/photo several ways. E = evaluate your results.

5 Describe the event. The following questions are useful for this step: What happened? What was said? What did you see?

6 Analyse the event, which involves asking the following questions: Why is it happening? What alternative explanations might be possible? This might mean that……

7 Evaluate, as the final step, requires paying attention to your initial reaction. What positive or negative feelings do I have about this? (my gut reaction) How do I feel about this object, person, or event?

8 Case Study A female Turkish teacher emailed a male French student to set up Turkish classes. The teacher emailed the student in French. The student responded in English in one-line, with no greetings. The teacher thought this was rude and did not want to meet the student.


10 TURKEY : Core Concepts Generosity Hospitality Community Networks Nationalism Honour Kemalism Loyalty


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