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Year 11 Option Subjects.

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1 Year 11 Option Subjects

2 Paper 1: British Thematic Study with Historic Environment
Medicine Through Time c.1250 to present Ideas about the Causes of Disease: Galen, Hippocrates, Four Humours, Pasteur, Koch Ideas about Prevention: Vaccination, Public Health Acts, NHS Ideas about Treatment: blood letting, purging, supernatural, Ideas about Care: Physicians, barber surgeons, church Case Studies: Black Death, Plague, Cholera, Flemming, Jenner Worth 30% of total grade. 1 hour 15 min exam. Source based and knowledge based questions. The British Sector and the Western Front, : Injuries, treatments and the trenches Organisation of medical treatment Typical wounds Experimentation in surgery

3 Paper 2: Period Study and British Depth Study
The American West, c1835–c1895 The Plains Indians and their way of life and their beliefs Why people migrated and the problems they encountered Tensions between Settlers and Plan Indians The significance of the Civil War and post war Reconstruction Ranching Changes to the Plains Indians way of life and their destruction Sheriffs and Billy the Kid! Worth 40% of total grade. 1 hour 45 min exam. Source based and knowledge based questions. Early Elizabethan England Life in Elizabethan England The Virgin Queen Religious Divisions Mary Queen of Scots Plots and Revolts at Home Relations with Spain Exploration and the Voyages of Discovery

4 Paper 3: Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939
Worth 30% of total grade. 1 hour 20 min exam. Source based and knowledge based questions. It covers: What Germany was like after World War One? How did Hitler go from unemployed artist to Germany’s leader? How the Nazis controlled the German people? What was it like to live in Nazi Germany?

5 Weekly homework quizzes
GCSE History External Exam Dates Mock Exam 1 –Elizabeth/ American w/c 14th Jan (Paper 2) / Medicine Through Time (Paper 1) Mock Exam 2 –Germany (Paper 3) w/c 25th March External Exam Dates Paper 1 – Medicine Through Time 3rd June (am) Paper 2 – Elizabeth/ American West 6th June (pm) Paper 3 – Germany 11th June (pm) Weekly homework quizzes Login using google Drive details Can be access on mobile devices, laptops etc

6 GCSE Spanish Lunchtime enrichment on Mondays in C6 and after
Course Structure Mock speaking exam February 2019 GCSE speaking – Exam - first week after Easter holiday 2019 Listening and reading exam Exam 22nd May 2019 Writing exam Exam 5th June 2019 All students have been given a vocabulary guide and will be given weekly homework. Little and often is the key to successful revision in Spanish! Speak to Mrs Relph if you need help organising your revision. Lunchtime enrichment on Mondays in C6 and after school on Fridays.

7 Cambridge National Creative iMedia
Cambridge National Creative iMedia equips students with the wide range of knowledge and skills needed to work in the creative digital media sector. They start at pre-production and develop their skills through practical assignments as they create final multimedia products. Enrichment on a Friday- 2.30pm in A22 Revision Guide to collect for the exam tonight! Course Structure R081: Pre-production Skills – January Exam 1h 15m Written Exam 25% R082: Creating Digital Graphics Controlled Assessment 25% R085: Creating a Multi-page Website R087: Creating Interactive Multimedia Products

8 Cambridge National Child Development
Course Structure R018: Health and well-being for child development 1h 15m Written Exam 80 marks Thursday 10th January 2019 AM R019: Understand the equipment and nutritional needs of children from birth to five years Coursework 60 marks R020: Understand the development of a child from birth to five years Revision Guide available when attending after school enrichment. After School Enrichment-Friday pm-Free Revision guide!

9 Cambridge National Sport Science
Course Structure R041: Reducing the risk of sports injuries 1h Written Exam Friday 11th January 2019 AM R042: Applying principles of training Centre assessed task, OCR moderated. Coursework R045: Sports nutrition Centre assessed task, OCR moderated. R046: Technology in sport Centre assessed task, OCR moderated After School Enrichment-Friday pm-PT1

10 Rights & Responsibilities Taking Citizenship Action.
GCSE Citizenship Citizenship is a wide-ranging course with lots of links to the modern world. It aims to equip students with the skills they need to fully understand life in Modern Britain but also the transferable skills to secure a wide range of jobs. All students have a revision guide which they can use at home Key Exams! Citizenship Paper 1 Wednesday 12th June, PM Citizenship Paper 2 Monday 17th June, AM Modules Life in Modern Britain Rights & Responsibilities Democracy in Action Taking Citizenship Action.

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