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Published byAntonín Bednář Modified over 5 years ago
Full set of draft reporting sheets for 2012 reporting under MSFD
Presentation to the Working Group on Data, Information and Knowledge Exchange (WG DIKE), Brussels, 7 November 2011 This paper has been prepared as a background document for WG DIKE to report to Member States on the development of the full set of draft reporting sheets for Articles 8, 9 and 10 for 2012 reporting requirements. It has been prepared under contract to DG Environment by MRAG Ltd, UNEP-WCMC and URS Scott-Wilson, who are providing support to the Commission to develop the details of what will be reported and how, for the MSFD reporting requirements due in 2012. The paper provides a summary of the feedback received from Member States subsequent to the last WG DIKE meeting on 5-6 September 2011, a summary of how the feedback has been addressed and further improvements made to the sheets, and embedded copies of the draft reporting sheets. S.F.Walmsley Prepared under contract for DG Environment by MRAG Ltd, UNEP-WCMC, URS/Scott-Wilson
Objectives Summarise the latest edits to the existing reporting sheets (Species, Habitats, Nutrients, Physical loss & damage, GES, Targets, Regional Coordination). Present the new draft reporting sheets. Raise specific questions to be considered by WG-DIKE. Present draft ‘Guidance’ examples. Run through objectives of talk This presentation will briefly introduce the pilot sheets and summarise the feedback received. It will go into greater depth on the revisions made as a result of the feedback received, and the revised structure and content of the reporting sheets.
Draft reporting sheets
3 levels/types of information – descriptive, summary information (1 & 2), and detailed information and data Consideration of draft reporting sheets should focus on the descriptive and summary information Specification and agreement on detailed information and data will be taken forward separately Reporting sheets propose that detailed information and data be based on GIS maps and data on the GES indicators Use of 3 levels of information aimed to enable Member States with less data available to report something (e.g. Descriptive text) but in a structured way, so that similar types of information is entered by Member States, whilst also capturing more detailed and quantitative information from Member States where it is available.
Summary of full set of sheets
Art 8a: Characteristics Art 8b: Pressures & impacts Art 8c: Economic and Social C1: Physical features C2: Chemical features C3: Habitats C4: Functional groups C5: Species C6: Ecosystems C7: Other features P1: Physical loss P2: Physical damage P3: Underwater noise P4: Marine litter P5: Hydrology P6: Contaminants P7: Nutrient and organic matter enrichment P8: Microbial pathogens P9: Non-indigenous spp P10: Selective extraction ESA - Approach - Activities - Ecosystem services - Cost of degradation Art 9: GES Art 10: Targets Art 5/6 G1: GES T1: Targets & Indicators Regional Cooperation
Summary of changes - overall
Clarified wording, specified word limits Simplified some fields – Summary information only requests categorical info, not quantitative Trends Recent trends – timescale specified by MS on case-by-case basis Future trends – 12 year period requested where appropriate, but scope to report different time period Identification of future pressures added Status – ‘other’ category and descriptive text field added; added description for ‘no assessment’
GES – summary of changes
Possibility to report at indicator level added GES can be linked to relevant ecosystem components Rows can be repeated as many times as necessary (e.g. for different ecosystem components, different threshold values in different assessment areas) Added column so area at which GES is determined, and area for which GES will be assessed, can both be reported
Targets – summary of changes
Some aspects may be relevant at target level or at indicator level, depending on MS. Some columns repeated to reflect this (only complete as appropriate) Multiple indicators can be reported for each target Wording clarified (e.g. target & limit ref points = threshold values) Type of target – specify whether the target represents achieving GES, or an interim target to guide progress Type of target – ‘Other’ option
Regional Cooperation Field added for details of where there are problems with regional cooperation (not in circulated sheets; added subsequently)
Phys loss, damage, nutrients
Pressure characteristics and impact characteristics brought onto one sheet Pressure status and impact status brought onto one sheet Reduction of information requested about activities causing the pressure (name, (rank), description, proportion of pressure caused by activity) Status sheet elements reordered and updated to reflect similar fields to GES sheet Reporting on chemical features (nutrients) (Table 1) would be subsumed into the P&I reporting sheet Content / structure – Split between physical loss / physical damage maintained Nutrients feedback indicated reporting per nutrient (N, P, organic matter) appropriate; status by water column/seabed appropriate activities causing nutrient enrichment maintained as overall for N,P,organic matter (not separately) No other major changes made to content/structure
Habitats and Species Reporting of pressures simplified (name, (rank), impacts, proportion of feature impacted) Status sheet elements reordered and updated to reflect similar fields to GES sheet Habitats Reporting of associated phytoplankton, zooplankton, macrophyte, angiosperm and invertebrates more explicit Reporting of predominant habitats, or special habitat types NB – offer to cut ‘rank’ if ‘proportion of feature impacted’ is provided)
New reporting sheets
P&I – Hydrology Structured according to Descriptor 7
Impacts on water column, seabed, functional groups Status according to Pressure (extent of permanent alterations) (7.1) Impacts (7.2) on Water column Seabed Functional groups
P&I – Underwater Noise & Marine Litter
Sheets sent to Marine Litter expert group inc. rep. of Noise group. Comments received but not incorporated in current versions Noise - Structured according to D11 Loud, low and mid-frequency impulsive sounds (11.1) Continuous low frequency sounds (11.2) Impacts – by functional group (no GES criterion) Questions Proportion of area with impacts – appropriate? Status of impacts – potential impacts per season/month/year? Comments from Stephanie Warner Assessment area for impulsive sounds vs continuous sounds Could be very fine-scaled – TG recommended 15’x15’ rectangles [I would expect this could be the frame in which data (gridded) are reported – would not expect a separate report to be provided for each rectangle] Input vs Output levels [output =/ received levels. Input = impulsive, loud, low and mid-freq sounds; Output = ambient (continuous) sounds ] Proportion of area with impacts – worthless. Need to know different level of impact on species of concern in assessment area (and cumulative impacts). Needs noise (propagation) mapping / modelling – [this would come into level 3 data. What simple summary data would you suggest for level 2?] Impact status – may be better as potential impact, time-sensitive (month/season/year). Needs modelling. [not sure best way forward]
P&I – Marine Litter Litter – Structured according to D10 Questions:
Characteristics of litter (10.1) Impacts (10.2) by Water column / plankton Seabed Functional groups Questions: Breakdown of impacts on water column/seabed/functional group appropriate? (water col/seabed not in GES criteria – include?) Litter working group considering Litter washed ashore Litter on the water surface Litter ingested by marine animals
P&I – Contaminants - Group
Structured according to D8 & D9 2 options: Reporting by contaminant group Reporting for all contaminants together By group: Inputs(no GES criterion) Of contaminants inc significant pollution events and systematic and intentional release of gases/liquids/solids Concentrations in environment (8.1) (in water , sediment, biota) Impacts (8.2) on functional groups and predominant habitats, and contaminants in seafood (9.1) Status – concentration; impacts; and contaminants in fish and shellfish
P&I – Contaminants - All
All together Inputs(no GES criterion) Of contaminants inc significant pollution events Systematic and intentional release of gases/liquids/solids Concentrations in environment (8.1) Water / Sediment / Biota Impacts inc. contaminants in seafood (9.1) Status Concentration by water, sediment, biota Impacts By water, sediment, biota Contaminants in fish and shellfish
P&I – Contaminants - questions
Reporting overall or by contaminant group? Proposed groupings suggested in reporting sheet for reporting by contaminant group Need reflection and finalisation
P&I – Microbial pathogens
No GES Descriptor/Criteria Structured by Characteristics/distribution Impacts (functional group/habitat), should include D9 indicators Status by Pressure (water / biota) Impacts
P&I – Non-indigenous species
Structured according to D2 Characteristics/distribution of NIS (2.1) Impacts of NIS (2.2) on habitats, functional groups Status (can be reported for indiv NIS, or groups of NIS) Pressure (2.1) Impacts (2.2) Proposal for ‘inventory’ of NIS (Annex III Table 1) Questions Map for each NIS, or overall extent of all NIS? Inventory necessary? Correct fields?
P&I – Selective extraction
2 sets of sheets: Fishing (structured according to D3) Other extraction activities (e.g. Coral, maerl, kelp) (impacts according to D1) Extent of extraction (fishing pressure, 3.1) Impacts on target species (commercially exploited fish stocks – D3) non-target species (D1) Status: of pressure / impact on target species / impact on non-target species Question: Complete ‘fishing’ RS once, or separately for different types of fishing/stocks?
Characteristics – Functional groups
Structured according to habitats D1.6 Main species included in the functional group, and main associated habitats Condition of the functional group (1.6.1) Relative abundance (1.6.2) Status – Condition / Abundance / Overall Questions: Relative abundance – report abundance/diversity/% of species near/below natural abundance level? Report whether size distribution of species is in line with natural conditions?
Characteristics - Ecosystems
Structured around Criterion 1.7 and Descriptor 3 (food webs) Ecosystem structure (1.7) for habitats / functional groups Characteristics according to D4 Productivity of key sp/trophic groups (4.1) / Proportion of species at top of food webs (4.2) / Abundance of key sp/trophic groups (4.3) (individual indicators) Status – Ecosystem structure (1.7) / Productivity (4.1) / Proportion of sp (4.2) / Abundance of key sp (4.3)
Characteristics – Physical Other
No pressures or status fields Physical Descriptive information, GIS, and some summary information for parameters specified in Annex III Table 1 Other features Contamination, hotspots etc should be reported under P&I Contaminants sheet Only description and summary of ‘features or characteristics typical to the region or subregion’ Questions: Include identification of pressures in ‘Other features’ sheet?
Characteristics – Chemical
Marine acidification only (nutrients covered in P&I) Spatial distribution; Impacts on predominant habitats (water column / seabed) Status – of pressure; impacts on water column; impacts on seabed Questions: Develop categories for acidity (e.g. Alkaline, neutral, acidic, highly acidic)? Pressure causing - short/long-term change in acidity? Widespread/localised change in acidity?
ESA Presented to WG ESA in October
Background to ESA (form, location in IA, approach for ESA and cost of degradation) Use of marine waters (activities) – by sector/activity Sector / characteristics / importance (value, VA, employment, other) Pressures caused by the activity Ecosystem and other approaches – by ecosystem service/theme Cost of degradation – description; cost-based approach by sector/activity; ecosystem services approach by service; thematic/other approach by theme
ESA Questions: List of sectors/activities – correspondence with NACE? Include non-market activities, or report under ‘Other’? NACE codes do not guarantee comparability of the data as geographical scales and methods of disaggregating between onshore and offshore activities has not yet been agreed. MS should detail what spatial scale they have reported on, and what method they have used to disaggregate the data between onshore and offshore activities; There are several ongoing initiatives to agree on these methods. WG DIKE should engage with Eurostat and IMP discussions on marine data to ensure that it will fulfil the requirements of MSFD.
Draft Guidance An outline of a Guidance paper, which would support the reporting process, has been developed Example guidance has been prepared: ESA (broader overview, explanation of which parts to complete) Species (very detailed, field-by-field) Which type of guidance would be most useful? Need for both?
General guidance example
Background information This allows Member States to report on which approaches they have used ... Economic and Social Analysis of the use of marine waters – sector approach These fields should be completed by all Member States regardless of what method has been used ... It allows for key comparative data on ... Economic sector The table should be repeated for each sector (marine activity) that is relevant ... Ecosystem services approach These fields provide an opportunity for MS to report on the economic and social analysis of the use of marine waters using the ecosystem services approach (or other approaches). Rows can be inserted for each ecosystem service or theme ...
Detailed guidance example
Ref Information requested Priority Description/details D4-5 Population distribution and trends – description (level 1) L Description of spatial distribution of the species within the assessment area, including range and pattern, and description of trends in population spatial distribution. Max no words: 500. E4 Population distribution - summary (level 2a) H Range as a % of the assessment area occupied; Distributional pattern: (Select one): Homogenous; Heterogenous; Clumped; Patchy; Seasonal; Other. F4 Population distribution – summary (level 2b) M Confidence in range figure from E3. If range is calculated on a quantitative basis, use +/– 90% Confidence Interval. Otherwise use Low, Medium, High (Low: based on very incomplete data or expert judgement; Medium: based on partial data with some extrapolation; High: based on extensive surveys) G4 Population distribution – detailed (level 3) GIS map/data showing current distribution of the species in the assessment area.
Outstanding issues Geographical boundaries sheet to be finalised
Reference list for functional groups and habitats (add phytoplankton, zooplankton etc?) e.g. Impact of contaminants on different biota – specify ‘water column’ or ‘zooplankton’; ‘shelf sublittoral rock and biogenic reef’ or ‘benthic invertebrates’? GES and targets – referring to relevant ecosystem components Any major omissions/repetitions? Reference list for functional groups and habitats – can phytoplankton, zooplankton, macrophytes, angiosperms, invertebrates be cross-referenced/referred to in relation to the predominant habitats in which they are found? (e.g. Impact of contaminants on different biota – specify ‘water column’ or ‘zooplankton’; ‘shelf sublittoral rock and biogenic reef’ or ‘benthic invertebrates’?)
Next steps Comments on reporting sheets by 16 Nov
Identify issues/sheets for further consideration Agree process to present RS to MSCG on 14 Nov for approval Agree process to follow-up technical issues after Marine Directors meeting (detailed info/data) Revised reporting sheets by 24 Nov for Marine Directors meeting
Thank you Suzannah Walmsley MRAG Ltd
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