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Five Ways to Avoid Plagiarism!

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Presentation on theme: "Five Ways to Avoid Plagiarism!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Five Ways to Avoid Plagiarism!

2 Avoiding Plagiarism Rule 1
When presenting a fact that is NOT common knowledge, always cite the source. Ex: Is it common knowledge that annually there are over 40,000 toilet-related injuries in the United States?

3 Avoiding Plagiarism Rule 2
When writing about an idea, make clear whose idea it is. Ex: According to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity…

4 Avoiding Plagiarism Rule 3
When writing about someone else’s ideas always cite the source. Ex: One theory suggests that a person can learn to associate a ball with a bat (Pavlov 101).

5 Avoiding Plagiarism Rule 4
When using someone else’s exact words, use quotation marks. Ex: “Pickles is my thing,” (Snooki).

6 Avoiding Plagiarism Rule 5
When paraphrasing, use completely original wording and always cite the source. Ex: Excessive extraction of ground water and water from water bearing rock is contributing to the rising sea level (Egghead 65).

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