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Unit 1: Matter Physical and Chemical Properties

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1 Unit 1: Matter Physical and Chemical Properties
Mr. Le Fall 2017

2 Properties All forms of matter have physical and/or chemical properties. Properties are descriptions of matter. How would you describe this object?

3 Physical Properties Physical properties- properties that can be measured or observed without changing the object Describing an object using your five senses (sight, touch, taste, smell, hear). Most physical properties can be described with numbers.

4 Physical Properties Examples of physical properties include:
Color - Hardness - Odor Texture - Density - Ductility Malleability - Freezing point - Viscosity Brittleness - Melting point - Luster Mass - State of Matter - Solubility Conductivity - Boiling point - Elasticity Magnetism - Transparency

5 Chemical Properties Chemical properties- properties that can only be observed by changing the object You are describing how something reacts or does not react with something else

6 chemical Properties Examples of chemical properties include:
Reactivity - Flammability Combustibility - Acidity (pH level) Toxicity - Corrosiveness Radioactivity - Oxidation

7 density Density: the amount of mass in a given volume.
Volume: the amount of space in an object Think of density as “compactness”. How matter you can cram into a space. Density is a Physical Property.

8 density We can find density by dividing the mass of an object by its volume.

9 density We can find the mass of an object by using a balance beam.
We can find the volume of an object by using a graduated cylinder .

10 units Units are important, so remember as you are recording data, make sure to include the unit. The unit for mass is grams (g) Example: 35.8g The unit for volume is milliliter (mL) or centimeters cubed (cm3) Example: 125mL or 125cm3 The unit for density is g/mL or g/cm3 Example: 24.09g/mL

11 ph pH: A measure of how acidic or basic a substance is
pH is a chemical property. The pH scale has a range from 0 to 14.

12 ph Acids tend to have a sharp smell and sour taste.
Acids have a pH below 7.

13 ph Bases feel slippery and taste bitter. Bases have a pH above 7.

14 ph A pH of exactly 7 is neither acid nor a base. It is neutral.
Pure water has a pH level of 7

15 Unit 1: Matter Physical and Chemical Changes
Mr. Le Fall 2017

16 Physical Change Physical change: a change in size, shape, or state where the identity of the matter stays the same. Examples: Ripping paper Chewing gum Breaking a pencil

17 Remember!!! Any change of state is considered as a Physical change (melting, freezing, condensation,…)

18 Chemical change Chemical Change: a change where a new substance has form and has different properties. Examples: Changing color Firework explosions Rusting

19 Remember!!! Physical Change can easily be reverse
are changes of shape, size, and state can create a mixture Chemical Change is harder to reverse can release light, heat, sound, smell, or gas can create new material have key words like “REACT” or “REACTION”

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