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pg171 Reflection, Absorption

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1 pg171 Reflection, Absorption
Vocabulary: reflection, absorption, transmit,

2 Absorption Any time light hits a surface, some of it is absorbed, or taken in. When light is absorbed into a surface it is transformed from light energy, into heat energy. That is why on a sunny day it is cooler to wear a white t-shirt, than a black t-shirt; dark surfaces absorb more light than lighter surfaces.

3 Absorption of light (pg 171)
Why an object appears to be a certain colour. Absorption of light through a transparent object. Light is absorbed differently by different materials. A mirror, for example, will absorb no light, while a coloured piece of cellophane will absorb all colours, except its own colour.

4 Demonstrate using light kit use cellophane in the light kit

5 How a piece of blue cellophane affects the image that we see.

6 When Light Strikes an Object
Light travels in a straight line. It will continue moving in a straight line, until it hits something. Depending on what it hits, light may behave in very different ways.

7 Reflection When light bounces off a surface, it is called reflection.
When light is reflected it travels in a straight line away from the reflecting surface. Example of Reflection:

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