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Clarksburg High School

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1 Clarksburg High School
Senior Unit

2 Objectives: Students will know how to create an account on the Common App website and match it to Naviance Student Students will be able to add colleges to Naviance Student Students will know how to request recommenders through Naviance Student Students will understand how to create an account on the coalition website Students will understand why senior year is important

3 2019-2020 Senior Counselor Breakdown
Ms. Huang-Utter (A - Bas) Ms. Rosado (Bat - Cr) Ms. Zapata (Cs - Gh) Ms. Kopnitsky (Gi - Jh) Ms. Mackel (Ji - Mala) Ms. Mensah (Malb - Nul) Ms. Ruffner (Num - Roc) Mr. Yang *** Mr. Schulien (Rod - Tha) Ms. Patterson (The - Z)


5 Common App Registration and Matching

6 Adding Colleges to Naviance


8 Requesting Recommenders on Naviance




12 Application

13 STEP 1: Create an account
STEP 1: Create an account. MUST open the Coalition Application in Google Chrome!

14 STEP 2: Complete all sections of your profile

15 STEP 3: Search and Upload your Colleges. STEP 4: Start Application.
DePaul University DePaul University

16 MUST follow prompts in order and select “I have read and agree to above” within your application:
DePaul DePaul

17 Do NOT add recommenders. We send all documents through other means.


19 Your final high school transcript remains with you for a lifetime.
Did you know that? Your final high school transcript remains with you for a lifetime. Your high school transcript may be needed for you to attend the military, apply for a job, or attend graduate school The college that you enroll in will request a final high school transcript. Colleges can (and will) rescind (take away) the offer of admission if you do not keep your grades up.

20 Schedule Changes Once applied or admitted to a college, you cannot change your high school schedule without first consulting with the college admission office.

21 Career Center Reminders
Bring your college acceptance and scholarship letters to the college and career center Check Naviance for college visits sign up through Naviance and sign in at career center day of The FASFA workshop is going to be held on October 15th at 6:30pm Bring your own device

22 Follow us on Instagram! @Cburg_Counseling

23 Questions?

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