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Topic : The use of Technological tools in Data Dissemination

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Presentation on theme: "Topic : The use of Technological tools in Data Dissemination"— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic : The use of Technological tools in Data Dissemination
Liberia Institute of Statistics $ Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) Topic : The use of Technological tools in Data Dissemination Presented by : Mr. Johnson Q. Kei Deputy Director General LISGIS

2 Key Points to be discussed
Dissemination Information Dissemination Type of Dissemination Tools Understanding the type of Dissemination Tools used by LISGIS Wednesday, November 13, 2019Wednesday, November 13, 2019 LISGIS

3 What is Dissemination? Dissemination: Information Dissemination?
To spread something, disburse Information Dissemination? Methods one uses to communicate information Wednesday, November 13, 2019Wednesday, November 13, 2019 LISGIS

4 Type of Dissemination Tools
LiberiaInfo IMIS CensusInfo NADA Census Resource CD Statistical Bulletin Wednesday, November 13, 2019Wednesday, November 13, 2019 LISGIS

5 What is LiberiaInfo? It is a user‐friendly database system that can be deployed on desktops and on the web and is distributed royalty‐free The system is designed to monitor human development DevInfo is endorsed by the UNDG for use by Member States in monitoring the MDGs It helps in the collation and presentation of data in the form of tables, graphs and maps Wednesday, November 13, 2019Wednesday, November 13, 2019 LISGIS

6 What are the Output/Products IMIS
What is IMIS? Integrated Management Information Systems What are the Output/Products IMIS Integrated statistical database Web-based database (intranet/internet) Set of relevant indicators at national and local levels Large number of partners using the database (rapid and easy access) Products IMIS harmonization of methodologies of data collection, processing and analysis Preservation and dissemination of data. Wednesday, November 13, 2019Wednesday, November 13, 2019 LISGIS

7 What is CensusInfo? Developed by UNSD in partnership with UNICEF and UNFPA to disseminate census results Officially launched in February at the 40th session of the Statistical Commission Available on-line for free Wednesday, November 13, 2019Wednesday, November 13, 2019 LISGIS

8 Main Feature of CensusInfo
A tool to disseminate population and housing census results on the web and on CD-ROM Presents indicators with map and graph facilities by date of census and different geographic levels, from regions to small geographic area Includes census topics and a suggested list of census indicators with accompanying metadata Customized to meet country-specific census indicators Generates user-defined tables, graphs, maps and reports Import data from other software applications Wednesday, November 13, 2019Wednesday, November 13, 2019 LISGIS

9 What is NADA? Is National Data Archive
Is sponsored by Paris 21 and are around the World making with various NSO surveys and censuses web enabled for easy access around the world. NADA is now being customized and uploaded to LISGS website. (EG: CWIQ, Education, RISK, etc. It is a storage site which have Surveys loaded on a CD and uploaded to the site. For example: You can find NADA online ( Wednesday, November 13, 2019Wednesday, November 13, 2019 LISGIS

10 Census Resource CD It is a storage of the National Population & Housing Census Data On this CD, it give you insight of the National Population & Housing Census from the documentation, Acts, Geographic data, Maps, Themes, Speeches, Pictures, listing of the Census Board, Technicians, Members, Partners, etc We also give you some information on the 1984 National Population Census It also have the full copy of the published NPHC It is a Auto-play CD and it play like a normal website Wednesday, November 13, 2019Wednesday, November 13, 2019 LISGIS

11 What is Statistical Bulletin?
Statistical bulletin is a comprehensive document consisting of the socio-demographic and economic data of a country. It serves as one the essential instruments used by policy makers and implementers to plan adequately for country’s progression, including institutions so as to strategies to meet the growing challenges that may arise. Note that data placed in statistical bulletin are done in an orderly manner according to the following: Socio-demographic data which including population education, health, etc. Economic data which comprise the GNP level, national account, CPI, money and banking data of an economy. Wednesday, November 13, 2019Wednesday, November 13, 2019 LISGIS

12 THANKS FOR YOUR TIME Wednesday, November 13, 2019Wednesday, November 13, 2019 LISGIS

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