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Accounting & Financial Management Financial Economics prof. dr

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1 Accounting & Financial Management Financial Economics prof. dr
Accounting & Financial Management Financial Economics prof. dr. Hans Degryse  Faculty of Economics and Business

2 ‘Future selves’ of AFI students
Faculty of Economics and Business

3 ‘Future selves’ of AFI students
CFO Career in financial department of the firm Banker Career in financial sector Faculty of Economics and Business

4 The CFO Major in Accounting & Financial Management (MBE/TEW)
Faculty of Economics and Business

5 Training You acquire knowledge to measure and manage the performance of a firm: Insights into and analysis of financial statements (under different standards) The use of management accounting information for strategic goals Audit function focused on control and on management of risks Strategic and tactical decisions in financial management in a national, but also international context Faculty of Economics and Business

6 Programme structure Major in Accounting and Financial Management
Accounting: Management control and cost management (Nl/Eng), International accounting, Auditing (Nl/Eng) Financial Management: Strategic financial management (Nl/Eng), International business finance, Financial statement analysis and valuation [electives of 24 ECTS (2 + 2) + Master’s thesis of 15 ECTS] Faculty of Economics and Business

7 Career perspectives Financial manager Controller Financial analist
Corporate finance expert Consultant CFO Faculty of Economics and Business

8 The Banker Major in Financial Economics (MBE)
Faculty of Economics and Business

9 Training You acquire skills to understand financial markets and institutions: Pricing financial products and managing a portfolio Role and relevance of banking and regulation Overview of funding opportunities for firms Faculty of Economics and Business

10 Programme structure Major in Financial Economics
Markets: Macrofinance, Security pricing and portfolio selection Institutions: Credit and banking Financial management: Business finance [core of 24 ECTS + Master’s thesis of 15 ECTS] Faculty of Economics and Business

11 Career perspectives Financial analist Regulator Investment banker
Fundmanager Trader ALM manager Risk manager Faculty of Economics and Business

12 Minor in Accounting and Financial Management (MBE/TEW)
Faculty of Economics and Business

13 Minor in Accounting and Financial Management
Programme structure Minor in Accounting and Financial Management If your aim is to get a flavor of Accounting and Financial Management and/or Financial Economics, this minor gives you the option to choose between any course of the respective majors plus additional courses in the domains of: Accountancy and Financial Management Accountancy and Auditing Finance [electives of 12 ECTS] Faculty of Economics and Business

14 Master’s thesis at AFI – general setup
Research paper of +/- 30 pages Mostly empirical, although theoretical innovation is more than welcome In groups of 2 students In particular circumstances, solo can be OK (check with the supervisor) When working in a team: every student submits a copy including the joint effort and a personal section (reflections, comments, suggestions for future work) You can cooperate with students from different majors, as long as the topic fits within your major Faculty of Economics and Business

15 Master’s thesis at AFI – practical details
Topics are suggested by the AFI faculty, or you can propose your own topic Own topic: talk to a faculty member Suggested topics: competitive FCFS system Topics available (Toledo) Enrollment of up to 2 groups per topic Research proposal Decision (Toledo) Research seminars and weblectures (see Toledo) on databases, methodologies, statistical software, academic writing and presentation skills Defense of your paper during a poster session Q&A by 3 staff members, separately Faculty of Economics and Business

16 Be so good they can’t ignore you ~ Steve Martin
More information? AFI is your gateway to a career in Accounting and Finance, and Audit or Actuarial and Financial Engineering Contact our educational coordinators for more information: Accounting and Audit: Finance and Risk: Actuarial and Financial Engineering: Faculty of Economics and Business Be so good they can’t ignore you ~ Steve Martin

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