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NL, Niek van Leeuwen and Pieter Bresters , GISCO April 2018

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1 NL, Niek van Leeuwen and Pieter Bresters , GISCO April 2018
Geostat 3 Report Technical Taskforce WP1 NL, Niek van Leeuwen and Pieter Bresters , GISCO April 2018

2 Aim Testing E-SGF for the process of joining INSPIRE SDMX tables (PD)
1 km2 grid OGC INSPIRE web service (SU-grid) using Table Joining Services (TJS) In order to create online statistical maps for the future 2021 census.

3 SDMX conversion


5 SDMX result

6 OGC INSPIRE services Metadata:

7 Web Mapping Service In a browser

8 Web Feature Service Projection CRS=EPSG:3035 Change your projection by EPSG number Outputformat &OutputFormat=JSON or GML (up to 6 times slower) Use a filter to request a country NL, PT, AU, PL, EE, FI, SE, NO, BE Number of records downloading count=15000 (is the limit per call) Start of polygons downloaded startindex=0

9 Table Joining Service TJS SDMX Table Geoservice 12

10 Future Implementation of TJS (Q3-first version)
Handbook for creating INSPIRE SDMX Creation of SDMX files by other 8 member states Testing Performance Double value issue Boarder grid cell problem E-SGF-principles

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