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The Mughal Empire.

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1 The Mughal Empire

2 Origins Between the 13th and 16th centuries, 33 different sultans ruled a divided territory in modern day India In 1494 an 11 year old boy named Babur inherited a kingdom west of India. Tiny kingdom Built an army and conquered parts of India Established the Mughal Empire


4 Very good general In 1526 he led 12,000 troops to victory against an army of 100,000 soldiers

5 Akbar Babur’s grandson, Akbar, ruled India from 1556 to 1605
Very aggressive military commander. Believed a King must always be aggressive so that his neighbors will not try to conquer him Unified a land of 100 million people

6 Akbar was a liberal ruler
Akbar welcomed influences from many cultures He allowed for religious freedom He even married a Hindu princesses without forcing her to convert Allowed his Hindu wives to practice their rituals in the palace Abolished the Jizya Appointed a Spanish Jesuit to tutor his son

7 Allowed Hindus, Muslims, natives, and foreigners to rise up to high political offices
His finance minister, Todar Mal, a Hindu, created an effective tax policy. Levied a tax that was similar to America’s graduated income tax system. Since the tax system was fair and affordable peasants could now afford to pay taxes, thus raising tax revenue

8 The Taj Mahal Akbars immediate successors continued the tradition of cultural blending Many of the buildings that were constructed had Hindu and Islamic influences One of the most impressive buildings built in the Mughal Empire was the Taj Mahal Built as a tomb for a Emperor Shah Jahan’s wife Considered one of the most beautiful building in the world Incorporated designs from all over Asia Artists from all over Asia were contracted to work on it Took 20 years to build They used more than 1,000 elephants to bring in material from around the world

9 Aurangzeb (AWR-uhng-zehb)

10 Vicious sultan Put his father in prison Came into power in 1658 after executed one brother and defeated his two other brothers Extended the Mughal Empire His harsh policies would cause the downfall of the Empire

11 Harsh Policies & Religious Intolerance
Strictly enforced Islamic law (Sharia Law) Outlawed drinking, gambling, and other vices Appointed censors to police his subject’s morals & make sure they prayed 5X a day Brought back the Jizya (tax on non muslims) Dismissed Hindus from positions in government Banned construction of new Hindu temples & destroyed Hindu monuments Doubled the taxes on non muslims

12 Mughal Empire Collapses
Harsh polices caused Hindus and non Muslims to rebel Aurangzeb drained the empire of its resources 2 million people died in a famine while he was away waging war After he died his sons fought a war for succession In the 12 years that followed his death, 3 emperors ruled the empire By the early 18th century the Mughal Empire was nothing more than a bunch of fragmented kingdoms It will officially come to an end in 1857 when the British incorporate India to their empire.

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