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Published byΘεόκριτος Βούλγαρης Modified over 5 years ago
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This presentation provides an overview of the process for applying to the Foundation Programme (FP) and Academic Foundation Programme (AFP) commencing in August 2020. For the full details, you should read the UKFP 2020 Applicants’ Handbook. Applying to UKFP 2020
20 Foundation Schools / Units of Application (UoAs)
15 Academic Units of Application (AUoAs)
Oriel Applicants must select the Foundation STAFF GROUP by clicking on the UK Foundation Programme Office logo from the landing page on Oriel. Applicants will be able to access the main FP application and the local AFP application forms by selecting the Foundation Programme staff group.
National Timeline FPP is new for 2020. No interviews for foundation.
Group Matching (local timeline) and Match to Programme Results (Thursday 9th April 2020) National Allocation : Thursday 12th March 2020 Foundation Priority Programmes (FPP): offers made one week prior to national allocation to foundation schools on Wednesday 4th March 2020 Academic Offers (if applicable): Wednesday 15th January 2020 Situational Judgement Test (SJT): Friday 6th December 2019 and Monday 6th January 2020 Academic Selection Processes (local timelines from 14th October 2018– 10th January 2020) Educational Verification (verified scores released by Monday 21st October 2019 – please check your score) Registration from Monday 23rd September and Applications from Monday 30th September until Friday 11th October 2019 Nominations and Eligibility National Timeline FPP is new for 2020. No interviews for foundation. Blue = national process Green = medical schools Purple = local process
Nomination All UK graduates from the last two years are nominated by the medical school You will receive an inviting you to confirm your nomination and register on Oriel – click the link and create a password If you do not receive this , contact your medical school immediately You must register with the address your medical school used to nominate you with Nominations will include the decile score.
Registration Applicants register for an account on Oriel – the registration pages ask for personal details. This information will be pre-populated in any future applications.
Vacancy Search Select ‘vacancies’ from the toolbar across the top of the screen. I am applying to: must be set to ‘Foundation’.
Application Form 11 sections to the application form (competences and employment sections are not applicable for FP). Standard application form. You will apply for core and specialty jobs through the same system. Important things to remember – deadlines are deadlines – no exceptions. You must complete and submit your application form on Oriel between Monday 30th September and midday UK time on Friday 11th October 2019. Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances.
Application Sections Section Information Required 1) Personal details
Contact information and disability and special arrangements 2) Eligibility Professional registration and right to work in the UK 3) Fitness Criminal record checks and data protection declarations 4) References Referee details (can be amended) 5) Competences Primary medical qualification Referee contact details can be amended up until the point at which the referee has submitted the reference or the closing date for references to be submitted in April 2020.
Application Sections (2)
6) Employment Not applicable 7) Evidence Additional educational achievements 8) Supporting 9) Preferences Rank foundation schools in order of preferences 10) Equality Equality and diversity monitoring information (optional) 11) Declarations Declarations, linked applications and document upload
Application Score 1) Educational Performance Measure (EPM) Score
(34-43 for decile + 7 for additional educational achievements (EA) = maximum of 50) + 2) Situational Judgement Test Score (SJT) (maximum of 50) = Total FP Score (maximum of 100) Your application score will be made up of two scores. SJT is taken in invigilated conditions. The range of SJT marks across all applicants is translated to a point scale of 0 – 50. The scaling method is designed to reflect 50:50 weighting between the SJT and EPM score.
Educational Performance Measure (EPM)
Decile Score 1 43 2 42 3 41 4 40 5 39 6 38 7 37 8 36 9 35 10 34 Decile score calculated by medical school (max. 43) plus any additional educational achievements (max. 7). Max. total = 50. Verified scores released by 19th October 2019. It is your responsibility to check your verified score. There is a short window to submit an appeal. Scores will not be amended after this time.
Educational Achievements (EA)
Additional Degree (one only) Evidence to be uploaded as part of application form Maximum: 5 points Publication (maximum of two) 1 point per publication PUBMED ID Maximum: 2 points Evidence provided as part of the application form is reviewed by independent verifying panels on national verification day. If you choose a degree classification that is worth less points i.e. you achieved a 2.1 but mistakenly chose a 2.2 from the drop down list your application, your score will NOT be increased even if your evidence supports that you achieved a 2.1. PUBMED ID numbers must link to the article cited with just one click. Maximum of 7 points in total for EA
Additional Degree Awarded / ratified by application deadline
Evidence of Level 7 Masters for 4 points Upload evidence as a single document No transcripts No Higher Education Achievement Reports (HEAR) Transcripts are only required in support of Cambridge degrees as the classification is not included on the degree certificate. If the evidence you provide for any educational achievements is in a different name to the one given on your application for, the question ‘previous family name/surname’ will be verified point(s) will not be awarded. You are not required to add any more evidence.
Publication(s) Publication must be published and available on PUBMED
Include PUBMED ID on application form Author and title on application form must be identifiable on PUBMED Points will not be awarded for collaborators No DOI, ISBN or PMCID numbers Avoid copying and pasting PMID numbers Double check your PUBMED ID before submission Publications must link with one click through to the PUBMED site. If the PMID does not link directly to your paper, no further searches will be carried out. If the evidence you provide for any educational achievements is in a different name to the one given on your application for, the question ‘previous family name/surname’ will be verified point(s) will not be awarded. You are not required to add any more evidence.
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Your UK medical school will contact you to let you know which date/s is/are available to you. It is your responsibility to know the time and venue of your SJT, and to arrive on time regardless of the mode of transport you use. Situational Judgement Test (SJT) Friday 6th December 2019 / Monday 6th January 2020
Situational Judgement Test (SJT)
The SJT is a measure of meeting the attributes required to be a foundation doctor, as defined in the national FP personal specification It is not an assessment of your clinical knowledge All applicants are required to sit the SJT, including AFP applicants and defence deanery Reasonable adjustments Extenuating circumstances It is important to note the reasonable adjustments allowed may be different from those allowed at the university. This is because it relates to your employment as a doctor rather than as a student who is studying.
Situational Judgement Test (SJT)
Invigilated test 70 questions 2 hours 20 minutes ID checked, no smart watches and no removal of papers Scores marked national and translated to a 0 – 50 point scale Practice papers, OMR answer sheet and resources, available on UKFPO website Exceptionally low SJT scores will be reviewed and there is a possibility that applicants with a low score may be withdrawn. Details of the review process will be published as soon as possible, and no later than 6th December 2019 (i.e. prior to the date of the first SJT). Applicants may be withdrawn on the basis of failing to demonstrate that they have met the person specification.
Preferences Applicants must drag and drop all foundation schools listed (20) from the ‘no preference’ column to the ‘preference’ column. Applicants should list the schools in order of preference (most preference = top of the list / Rank 1).
Preferences (2) Applicants can amend foundation school preferences until 13th February 2020 at 12:00 noon GMT Applicants must rank all foundation schools (even if approved for pre-allocation) Rank groups and individual programmes after allocation to foundation school View local websites for details of individual programmes.
Linked Applications Preference in the same order
Link to FP applicants only, i.e. not military Links will be severed if: - Either or both accept AFP Either or both are placed on reserve list Preferences are changed Both must be allocated to primary list Allocated in accordance with the lower rank Local policies vary at group / programme level Both applicants must indicate that they are happy to link to each other on the declarations page of the application form. Foundation schools might not guarantee that linked applicants will be placed in the same area.
Linked Applications Applicants can link applications on the ‘declarations’ page. One applicant must request for another applicant to link with them. If both applicants reach the ‘declarations’ page at the same time and select ‘yes’ to the question: ‘do you wish to link to another application?’, the system will not register this. One applicant must select yes and effectively send the request first to the other applicant, or one applicant should select ‘no’ and then they will receive a request from the other applicant, which they can accept or reject.
Special Circumstances
Four criteria: 1) parent or legal guardian, 2) primary carer, 3) medical condition, 4) unique circumstances Applications to UKFPO national panel Situation must be relevant at the time of application Requested foundation school must be ranked first Not applicable for AFP Applicants cannot link If you are applying for special circumstances at a particular Foundation School, you must rank this Foundation School first in your preferences during your application to the Foundation Programme. Failure to do so will result in your special circumstances application not being considered You must provide all the information, including selecting the right school. You cannot choose a location. Important to discuss with your medical school.
National Allocation Applicants will be allocated in rank order
If all the places are filled at your first choice foundation school, the system will look at your second choice, and so on down your list of preferences until a space is available Linked applicants will be allocated based on the lower rank of the linked pair Your allocation results will only be released once you have completed the online survey If you are on the primary list and have been approved for pre-allocation to a particular foundation school on the grounds of special circumstances, you will be allocated before other applicants. Every applicant will be ranked according to score. Matching algorithm will use unique rank to allocate based on score and preference. Where applicants have the same score, the EPM decile and then the SJT will be used as tie breakers.
Primary / Reserve List Allocations
If, as anticipated, there are more fully eligible applicants than places, applicants who are not allocated to the primary list will be placed on a reserve list and will be allocated in batches on predetermined dates. Reserve list applicants will be asked to preference posts available at that time. 2019 – 425 applicants Primary List If there are more FP applicants than vacancies, the ‘n’ highest scoring applicants will be placed on the primary list (where ‘n’ is the number of vacancies across the UK). Applicants on the primary list will be asked to rank groups and programmes. The same matching programme to allocate posts. 2019 – 7533 allocated It is important that once you have been allocated to a school that you understand the local matching process. s will be sent advising you of the process, but it is important that you understand what you need to do. There is no requirement to preference all the groups / programmes and you will be able to save without doing this. However, you will be allocated to a group / programme randomly if you don’t preference. You are advised to rank as many programmes as possible.
Supporting Trainees Entering Practice (STEP)
Supports transition from medical school to foundation training; two-way transfer Health and welfare, educational progress and professional performance, and patient safety Students complete STEP form Medical school endorses information Separate process for F1 to F2 The student has a responsibility to complete the form and the medical school has a responsibility for ensuring all relevant information is provided to enable to foundation school to make appropriate arrangements to facilitate training. Timely completion and receipt of STEP forms is important. The foundation school is likely to have a better understanding of what adjustments can be made for training.
Employment Employer Responsibilities: -
Pre-employment checks, including occupational health and references Pay Banding Rotas Contract of employment Accommodation (if applicable) Shadowing and Induction It is important to remember that foundation schools are responsible for your educational programme. It is your employer, your Trust or Health Board that is responsible for your employment. They are different. The employer is responsible for all of the above, not the foundation school.
Timeline Registration on Oriel From Monday 23rd September 2019
National Application Window (AFP & FP) Monday 30th September – Friday 11th October 2019 at 12:00 noon (BST) Situational Judgement Test (SJT) Friday 6th December 2019 at 10am Monday 6th January 2020 at 10am National Allocation to Foundation Schools Thursday 12th March 2020 Match to Programmes (to a specific post) Thursday 9th April 2020 Reserve list batch allocations will be scheduled at the earliest convenience once there are enough places due to applicant withdrawals and once all primary list applicants have been matched to programmes (April – July).
Useful Tips Read the Applicants’ Handbook
Start collecting evidence of additional educational achievements Make use of SJT practice papers Identify an academic referee ALLOW PLENTY OF TIME TO COMPLETE AND SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. One academic reference is required.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Must register under ‘foundation’ staff group on Oriel to access application Only one document upload for EA Referee details can be amended once applications have been submitted Preferences can be amended No changes to other sections
Competition Ratios New for 2020.
Applicants can submit a maximum of 4 applications in total. All applicants must apply for FP, then there is the option to apply to a maximum of 2 AFP vacancies and for FPP. 1) Academic offers, 2) FPP offers, 3) FP allocation to foundation schools and then match to individual programmes.
Useful Info
2020 Application handbook, timeline etc Recruitment summary Stats and facts reports New for 2020. Applicants can submit a maximum of 4 applications in total. All applicants must apply for FP, then there is the option to apply to a maximum of 2 AFP vacancies and for FPP. 1) Academic offers, 2) FPP offers, 3) FP allocation to foundation schools and then match to individual programmes.
Questions? Standard application Next section -
Priority Placement application Academic application Both of these applications are run before the standard application New for 2020. Applicants can submit a maximum of 4 applications in total. All applicants must apply for FP, then there is the option to apply to a maximum of 2 AFP vacancies and for FPP. 1) Academic offers, 2) FPP offers, 3) FP allocation to foundation schools and then match to individual programmes.
Foundation Priority Programmes (FPP)
Opportunity to apply for priority programmes. These programmes are designed to attract applicants to schools and posts which have historically been hard to fill (less popular geographically). Incentives such as free accommodation, Master’s qualifications, Fellowships, access to additional supervision, geographic certainty, increased flexibility and mentorship (please visit foundation school websites). New for 2020. Applicants can submit a maximum of 4 applications in total. All applicants must apply for FP, then there is the option to apply to a maximum of 2 AFP vacancies and for FPP. 1) Academic offers, 2) FPP offers, 3) FP allocation to foundation schools and then match to individual programmes.
Foundation Priority Programmes (FPP)
Separate application (same application window) Rank individual programmes earlier Offers prior to national FP allocation If you accept an FPP offer, your standard FP application will be withdrawn New for 2020. Applicants can submit a maximum of 4 applications in total. All applicants must apply for FP, then there is the option to apply to a maximum of 2 AFP vacancies and for FPP. 1) Academic offers, 2) FPP offers, 3) FP allocation to foundation schools and then match to individual programmes.
Academic Foundation Programmes (AFP)
Academic Programmes Research, teaching and/or medical leadership and management skills Explore academia as a career at the same time as developing their clinical and generic skills Academic supervisor Academic foundation training programmes offer less time in clinical practice. There is a separate selection process for academic training to ensure trainees have the capabilities to manage the balance between clinical practice and academia.
AFP Applications Applicants will need to apply to each AUoA (up to a maximum of two) separately. Each AUoA will determine what information it wishes to receive from its applicants which will consist of educational achievements and white space questions Scoring criteria will be determined locally and may vary across the different AUoAs You cannot submit AFP applications until you have submitted an application to FP application Educational achievement needs to be entered again for AFP. There is more flexibility and you can add presentations and prizes as well as publications. The rules for FP do not apply, i.e. you do not necessarily have to have a PMID number and publications can be in press. You can input up to 2 degrees and up to 10 items for each of publications, presentations and prizes.
Preferences You will need to preference the Academic programmes available in each AUoA you select before you can submit your application You do not need to preference all the programmes if there are some that you know you will not accept However, the fewer programmes you preference, the lower your chance of receiving an AFP offer Highest scoring AFP applicants will receive offers first from each AUoA If higher scoring applicants decline these offers, they will then be offered to lower scoring applicants during the cascade process
Selection AUoAs shortlist and interview applicants within the nationally agreed timeframe AFP match ranking score = educational / academic decile + AUoA score AUoA score determined locally Matching applicants to specific programmes will be managed by the AUoA via Oriel All AFP offers are subject to a satisfactory SJT score
Any remaining posts are manually offered offline
Offers ‘Mop Up’ Offers Any remaining posts are manually offered offline Third Offers Cascade Second Offers Cascade First Offers Cascade Initial Offers Highest scoring AFP applicants receive offers first. If higher scoring applicants decline their offers, they will then be offered to lower scoring applicants as part of the cascade process. 48-hour window to accept or decline offers. Offers will automatically expire and will be declined once the deadline is reached.
General Information Highest scoring AFP applicants will receive offers first If higher scoring applicants decline these offers, they will then be offered to lower scoring applicants Familiarise yourself with the AFP offers timetable All AFP offers are subject to a satisfactory SJT score If you accept an AFP offer, you are excluded from the FP allocation If you do not secure an AFP post, you will be included in the FP allocation automatically A satisfactory SJT score means that you are not withdrawn from the national process due to an exceptionally low SJT score.
Thank you for listening!
UK Foundation Programme Office First Floor, East Wing St. Chad’s Court 213 Hagley Road Edgbaston Birmingham B16 9RG Tel Any questions? Useful resources: FP Curriculum and Reference Guide.
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