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Les Maçons de confession juive

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1 Les Maçons de confession juive
dans la construction du Rite en 33 degrés en Amérique Masons of the Jewish faith in the construction of the Rite in 33 degrees in America Jean-Jacques Zambrowski ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

2 Jean-Jacques Zambrowski
ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

3 Morin : no portrait, no original document…
ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

4 Another patent from W.S. 5th Earl Ferrers
Fellow of the Royal Society, Grand Master of the Masonic Order in England, Member of Parliament, County deputy lieutenant, Naval vice-admiral. Admiral Washington Shirley, 5th Earl Ferrers ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

5 Rite of the Royal Secret
ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

6 Francken : no portrait either
ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

7 Morin and Francken buried in the same cemetery
ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

8 From the Carribean to North America

9 Francken creates new Lodges of Perfection
ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

10 Jean-Jacques Zambrowski
Moses Michael Hays His father came from Holland to America at the beginning of the 18th C. He "is of record December 2, 1735, as a Freeman in New York City, which gave him the right, as a naturalized Jew, to engage in business as a merchant". Moses Michael, born in New York City, 9 May 1739, their eldest son and second child, was a watchmaker. The first we know of his masonic life is the patent he received from Francken appointing him Deputy Inspector, 6 December 1768, and the Warrant he received from Harison appointing him Master of King David's Lodge in New York City, 23 February 1769. He was elected Grand Master of the Massachusetts Grand Lodge of Ancient Masons, 6 June 1788, and remained in office until March He died at Boston, 9 May 1805. ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

11 Solomon Bush, an Jewish American hero
ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

12 The Eleven Gentlemen of Charleston
Colonel John MITCHELL Frederick Dalcho Abraham ALEXANDER Emanuel De La Motta ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

13 The First Supreme Council in Charleston
ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

14 Jean-Jacques Zambrowski
The French heritage Alexandre Auguste de Grasse-Tilly ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

15 The Circular throughout the two Hemispheres
Harris «History of The Supreme Council, 33rd (mother council of the world) Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction, USA » ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

16 Common symbols, common legacy
ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

17 The same values, the same ideal…
ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

18 The same values, the same ideal…
Merci pour votre attention Thank you for your attention ICOM Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Zambrowski

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