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Frontal bone Nasal bone Sphenoid Temporal bone Zygomatic bone (arch)

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Presentation on theme: "Frontal bone Nasal bone Sphenoid Temporal bone Zygomatic bone (arch)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Frontal bone Nasal bone Sphenoid Temporal bone Zygomatic bone (arch) Maxilla Mandible

2 Coronal suture Parietal bones Frontal bone Lacrimal bones Sphenoid bone Zygomatic Ethmoid bone Maxillary bones Nasal bones Vomer Mandible

3 Parietal bones Coronal suture Frontal bone Zygomatic bone Nasal bones Maxillary bones

4 #1 Sagittal suture Parietal bones Occipital bone Lambdoid suture
External occipital protuberance Mastoid process Mastoid process

5 Frontal bone Sphenoid bone Parietal bone Temporal bone Nasal bone Zygomatic bone Maxilla Occipital bone Styloid process of temporal bone Mastoid process of temporal bone

6 Jugular foramen Foramen magnum

7 Sella turica sphenoid bone Sphenoid bone Jugular foramen
Foramen magnum

8 Frontal bone Ethmoid bone Sphenoid bone Nasal bone Lacrimal bone Zygomatic bone

9 sternum Manubrium Body Xiphoid process

10 The Hyoid Bone hyoid Lesser horns

11 Spinous process Vertebral foramen Body Transverse process

12 Coracoid process Acromion process Glenoid fossa scapula 12

13 Left clavicle 13

14 humerus 14

15 ulna 15

16 radius 16

17 17

18 Phalzanges Metacarpals carpals 18

19 Sacrum ilium pelvis Acetabulum ishium Pubic symphysis 19

20 Sacrum Coccyx 20

21 femur Patellar surface 21

22 Base #1 Apex 22

23 tibia 23

24 fibula 24

25 25

26 metatarsals Calcaneus phalanges tarsals Talus 26

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