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Aztec, Maya, and Inca Achievements

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1 Aztec, Maya, and Inca Achievements
Pg. 117

2 They improved upon ideas and made them their own.
Aztec The Aztecs adopted many ideas from other groups including the calendars and temple pyramids. They improved upon ideas and made them their own. Artificial islands, Chinampas Performed surgeries using knives made from volcanic glass.

3 Their ideas influenced many Mesoamerican groups including the Aztecs.
Maya Many of the greatest achievements of the Maya date to the classic period ( CE). Their ideas influenced many Mesoamerican groups including the Aztecs. Maya Aqueduct at Palenque Maya glyphs (writing system)

4 Inca Incas borrowed ideas from other cultures and managed the largest empire in the Americas. They used a highly structured government with many layers of authority. Suspension bridge in Peru

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