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Integrating Cultural Values in Dugong Conservation: The Case of Mozambique Coast By Alima Taju Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University 5th International.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Cultural Values in Dugong Conservation: The Case of Mozambique Coast By Alima Taju Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University 5th International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Cultural Values in Dugong Conservation: The Case of Mozambique Coast By Alima Taju Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University 5th International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC5) June 24-29, 2018, Kuching, Malaysia

2 Introduction MOZAMBIQUE 2,770 km of coastline
Rich in natural and mineral resources About 28 million habitants (2017) 60% of the population resident in coastal districts 45% of the population in Zambezia and Nampula provinces Independence war – 1964 to 1975 Civil war – 80’s and 90’S Conflicts between political parties since 2013 Decrease in economic growth after reaching 7% between 7th poorest country in the world PAST HOTSPOTS: Cabo Delgado province (Pemba and Quirimbas archipelago), Nampula (Angoche, Mozambique Island and Nacala), Inhambane (Bazaruto archipelago, Pomene, Chidenguele and Inhambane Bay) Maputo bay (Inhaca Island) Today, the largest and possibly the last viable population of dugongs in Mozambique coast and East Africa is found in Bazaruto archipelago (from Save river mouth to Cabo São Sebastião) with approximately 250 individuals.

3 Introduction PAST DUGONG HOTSPOTS In the past dugongs
(Dugong dugon) were plentiful and widely distributed along the Mozambique coast. However, before any status of protection was given to this species in the country, dugongs were deliberately hunted for their meat, mainly between the 70’s and 80’s, causing most of these populations to dwindle over the years. PAST DUGONG HOTSPOTS Quirimbas Archipelago Pemba Bay Mozambique Island Angoche PAST HOTSPOTS: Cabo Delgado province (Pemba and Quirimbas archipelago), Nampula (Angoche, Mozambique Island and Nacala), Inhambane (Bazaruto archipelago, Pomene, Chidenguele and Inhambane Bay) Maputo bay (Inhaca Island) Today, the largest and possibly the last viable population of dugongs in Mozambique coast and East Africa is found in Bazaruto archipelago (from Save river mouth to Cabo São Sebastião) with approximately 250 individuals. Bazaruto Archipelago Pomene Inhambane Bay Maputo Bay

4 Introduction ABOUT 250 – 300 INDIVIDUALS
Today, the largest and possibly the last viable population of dugongs in Mozambique coast and East Africa is found in Bazaruto archipelago region. Quirimbas Archipelago Pemba Bay Mozambique Island Bazaruto Archipelago National Park São Sebastião Sanctuary ABOUT 250 – 300 INDIVIDUALS Angoche PAST HOTSPOTS: Cabo Delgado province (Pemba and Quirimbas archipelago), Nampula (Angoche, Mozambique Island and Nacala), Inhambane (Bazaruto archipelago, Pomene, Chidenguele and Inhambane Bay) Maputo bay (Inhaca Island) Today, the largest and possibly the last viable population of dugongs in Mozambique coast and East Africa is found in Bazaruto archipelago (from Save river mouth to Cabo São Sebastião) with approximately 250 individuals. Bazaruto Archipelago Pomene Inhambane Bay Maputo Bay

5 Survey Sites Area: Quirimbas Archipelago Site: Ibo Island
Community: Cumuamba Local language: Swahili, Makwa Last sightings: Late 70’s Interviews: 82 Area: Angoche District Site: Angoche city Community: Quelelene Island Local language: Coti, Makwa Last sightings: 80’s Inteviews: 78 PAST HOTSPOTS: Cabo Delgado province (Pemba and Quirimbas archipelago), Nampula (Angoche, Mozambique Island and Nacala), Inhambane (Bazaruto archipelago, Pomene, Chidenguele and Inhambane Bay) Maputo bay (Inhaca Island) Today, the largest and possibly the last viable population of dugongs in Mozambique coast and East Africa is found in Bazaruto archipelago (from Save river mouth to Cabo São Sebastião) with approximately 250 individuals. Area: Bazaruto Archipelago Site: Vilanculos Fishing center: Mabandene Local language: Xitsua Last sightings: 2018 Interviews: 89

6 Perceptions “Dugongs are long living (some mentioned dugongs could live about 70 or 80 years, and others mentioned that it could live even more than 100 years)” “Dugongs are alike pigs” “Dugongs have hair on the body and no dorsal fins” “Dugong is a type of human” “Dugongs also have male and female organs similar to humans. Female dugongs have two breasts as humans, and breastfeed their calves" “When a female dugong is captured and has a calf it gets really aggressive”

7 Use and Beliefs In Vilankulo – “My ancestors believed that eating dugongs were like eating a human, because this animal has organs similar to human” “I heard from my parents that when you catch a dugong your fishing capture will reduce” “I heard in the community that when you capture a dugong you will have bad luck. If someone capture a dugong, you have to go to a witchdoctor to purify yourself and your fishing gear, otherwise your fishing catch will reduce” “Dugongs are “good” animals and help fishermen identify where there are fish. Usually you find dugongs in shallower areas”

8 Use and Beliefs In Angoche – “I heard that dugongs has some parts (bones) that can be used to increase wealth and production in a farm” “The dugong is a spiritual species. When you catch a dugong or find it dead on the beach, if you touch it you will have to go through a prayer” “Dugongs can also be used as medicine – its oil can be used to heal wounds”

9 Use and Beliefs In Ibo Island:
“In the past, when a fisherman caught a dugong and brought it home to eat or sell, first it was necessary to take it to a sacred place and then the fisherman had to swear he didn’t have an intercourse with the animal” “Dugongs are animals that cannot be captured repeatedly, if you do so, there will be a death in the community” “In the past, when a dugong were caught, people used to cut their head and sexual organs before taking it home to eat”

10 Food for fish, marine turtles and dugongs
Perceptions Ibo Island Nvua Tchane Angoche Evua Eyane Vilankulo Nguluve Njange Mahata Pig Humans Mammals Bad or good luck Eatable Food Medicine Food for fish, marine turtles and dugongs Fish habitat Fishing ground

11 Future fishemen...


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