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10 Steps to a Quality Lesson Plan

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Presentation on theme: "10 Steps to a Quality Lesson Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 10 Steps to a Quality Lesson Plan
1. What do you want to teach? Follow state or school standards Be aware of grade level Record a time estimate Reference standards if possible

2 10 Steps to a Quality Lesson Plan
2. Develop clear objectives Learning outcomes, not activities Objectives should be measurable Differentiate enabling and terminal objectives

3 10 Steps to a Quality Lesson Plan
3. Materials required Be specific Be thorough Write as if someone else will use the plan

4 10 Steps to a Quality Lesson Plan
4. Command attention Anticipatory set Introduction Review of previous lesson Map Prompt questions

5 10 Steps to a Quality Lesson Plan
5. Write step by step procedures List relevant actions Be as specific as possible A flowchart is helpful here

6 10 Steps to a Quality Lesson Plan
6. Provide practice time This can be assigned or in class Provide feedback

7 10 Steps to a Quality Lesson Plan
7. Provide closure Review anticipatory set Discussion Reflective journals Review key points

8 10 Steps to a Quality Lesson Plan
8. Write assessment Make sure this specifically measures whether objectives have been met Make direct correlation between objectives and assessment

9 10 Steps to a Quality Lesson Plan
9. Make adaptations Follow Access/ ADD guidelines Work with Case Manager

10 10 Steps to a Quality Lesson Plan
10. Provide “Connections” Suggest how class can be integrated with other subjects Provide multiple integrations


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