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Senior Orientation 2019 - 2020 World Class Starts Here
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Mr. Rafael Villalobos Principal
World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Mr. Garcia World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Code of Student Conduct
A copy of the Code of Student Conduct is available at: Students are responsible to adhere to all policies at all times. World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Electronic Device Policy
All electronic devices must be turned off and out of sight between 7:20 a.m. and 2:20 p.m. unless used in the classroom as part of the instruction. Ferguson is not responsible for any lost or stolen electronic devices. World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Dress Code World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
All students are expected to be in uniform everyday unless otherwise notified. Proper uniforms include: solid color gray, black, or white polo or oxford shirts. black, gray, or khaki pants such as Dockers, chinos, joggers or Dickies. Dark Blue jeans may ONLY be worn on Friday along with a uniform shirt or a school sanctioned spirit shirt. (Each “quarter,” this will be revisited). School ID’s are considered part of the school uniform and must be worn at all times. World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
JAF Campus Take pride in your campus and help keep the areas clean.
Every student is required to pick up after themselves at lunch. World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Mr. Brenlla World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Discipline Policy World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Continued defiance of school authority and policies and/or serious violations of The Code of Student Conduct may result in disciplinary action. Ferguson employs a progressive discipline policy in accordance with district policy which includes warnings, parent conferences, work detail, detentions, Saturday School, indoor suspension (SCSI) and/or a Student Success Center assignment. Disciplinary action is judged on an individual case by case basis. An overview of the Ferguson’s progressive discipline plan can be found at: World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Detentions Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in room 11. Students who fail to serve detention will be assigned to Saturday School. World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Saturday School Alternative for indoor suspension.
Students assigned to Saturday School must attend or will be assigned SCSI. Failure to attend more than three Saturday School sessions will result in a Student Success Center Assignment. World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Transportation World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Students may be transported to and from school if they live more than two miles from the school within school boundaries. Transportation is not be provided for all magnet students who are out of school boundaries. No student is allowed to ride a school bus other than the one to which he/she is assigned. The school bus driver has absolute jurisdiction over all students on their school bus. World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Mr. Louis World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Clinic Usage Must have a valid pass from the teacher to visit clinic.
You may not stay in the clinic for more than 15 minutes unless you have called home. If you are injured in any way, you must let an adult or the clinic know immediately. World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Tardy Policy World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Students who are tardy to school should report to the courtyard to receive a tardy pass Students who arrive after 7:20 a.m. but prior to 7:30 a.m. should report to a Hero K12 Station. Students who arrive after 7:30 a.m. must report to the Attendance Office with a parent and/or proper documentation to secure an admit. Once a student accumulates 10 tardies, a doctor’s note or official documentation is required. Excessive tardies may result in loss of privileges and/or detentions/suspensions according to our progressive discipline plan. Excused tardies include doctor’s appointments with a note indicating the date and time of the appointment or other “official documentation.” World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Attendance Policy World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Students are expected to be in attendance every day. Excused absences include: Illness of self, court, immigration, death in family. When a student is absent he/she must present a note to the attendance office within three days. Notes should include: Student’s name, ID number, date of absence, reason, and parent’s signature. Medical appointment notes require the date and time of the appointment in order to be excused. Notes then must be submitted to all teachers for documentation. If an admit is not obtained within the three days, the absence will remain unexcused and the student will not be permitted to make up work missed. The student should retain all admit notes for their records. This year there are NO senior sign outs. World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Attendance Office Located in Room 20
Hours are from 7:00 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. Admits can be obtained before school, during lunch and after school. Sign-outs are not allowed after 1:50 p.m. World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Cafeteria World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Keep all areas clean. Do not leave the cafeteria without throwing something away. Follow directions from security personnel. Parents cannot bring in food from outside to the school during the school day. Students may not order lunch from outside the school. Free and Reduced lunch forms are done online and can be found and submitted at World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Digital Responsibilities
respects one's self; Users will select online names that are appropriate and will consider the information and images that are posted online. respects others; Users will refrain from using District network systems and social media to bully, tease, or harass other people. protects one's self and others; Users will protect themselves and others by reporting abuse and not forwarding inappropriate materials or communications. respects authorship; Users will properly reference or cite to work, websites, books, media, etc., used in any student work. protects intellectual property. Users will not use software and media produced by others without prior authorization from the owner. Users will also not upload, download, or transfer any intellectual property belonging to a third party without specific permission including images, texts, video files, and digital music files. World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Ms. Rodriguez World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
What do I need to graduate?
You need to complete 24 credits in the following areas: 4 credits in English 4 credits in Math (Algebra I and Geometry EOC’s) 3 credits in Science (Biology I EOC’s) 3 credits in Social Studies (US History EOC’s) 1 credit in Fine Arts 0.5 credit in Personal Fitness 0.5 credit in Physical Education Complete 1 online course (FLVS) 8 Elective Credits Night school registration open!!!! Meet with your counselor!!! World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Required Testing for Graduation
10th Grade FSA Reading Algebra I EOC SAT EBRW – 430 SAT Reading Subtest – 24 Next one is October 5th ACT Reading – 19 NEW: ACT Average of English and Reading – 18 (multiple test) Next one is October 26th PERT Math – 97 NEW: PSAT 430 or SAT Math 420 Next SAT is October 5th NEW: ACT Math – 16 Next one is October 26th World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Counselor World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Counselors Info Schedule Changes FLVS Community Service Hours
Dual Enrollment/AP Night School All pertinent information can be found at Under the Student Services section. World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
CAP Advisor Cap Counselor – Ms. Cristina Diez FASFA by October
Bright Futures SAT and ACT Waivers – rm 18 during lunch Recommendation Letters All pertinent information can be found at Under the Student Services section. World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Counselor Appointments
Go to the Student Services Counter or school website for a “Request for Counselor Appointment Form” before school, during lunch and after school. Remember to write down the reason at the bottom of the page. Leave form in the box. World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Ms. Del Valle World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Student Drop-off/ Parking
Students may be dropped off in the parent loop on the west side of the school. Parents should avoid dropping students off in areas of heavy traffic. Parents may not use the Faculty Parking Lot or bus loop to drop-off or pick up students. Parents should attempt to drop-off students by 7:00 a.m. due to the volume of students at Ferguson. It is suggested that parents and students have a pre-arranged location for pick-up. Carpooling is appreciated! Decals for seniors end on Friday then it is open to underclass lotto. Make sure to have rainy day plans. World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Social Media Ferguson’s Twitter Account: @FergusonSHS
Ferguson’s Instagram Account: @fergusonfalcons Gmail Account: World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Mr. Lopez World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Requirements: Each student athlete must: Have a current Athletic Eligibility Packet: 1. Athletic Physical Form (signed by parent & notarized) as well as Birth Certificate 2. FHSAA EL 3 Forms 3. M-DCPS Contract for Student Participation in Interscholastic Competitions or Performances. Student Athlete Sportsmanship Contract Purchase student athletic insurance for $21, (Football requires $74) School Insurance is sold Monday – Thursday at lunch or from 2:25 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Physical forms may be found in the Athletic Office or downloaded from the school website: Insurance must be purchased through the Athletic Department. Have less than 10 absences and 20 tardies to school Student must maintain a 2.0 GPA Complete the Concussion Course ( World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Ms. Rae-Schulze World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
STOP Financial System http// username: student id number password: DOB (mm/dd/yyyy) Stay current with school information and activities by visiting our school website and clicking on the Activities tab World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Activities Activities Office is located in room 50
Student Government Twitter (jaf_sga) Student Government World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Senior Board World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Senior Class Sponsor Ms. Tanya Rae-Schulze
Stay Informed! Senior Class Sponsor Ms. Tanya Rae-Schulze Contact Info: ext. 2024 World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Band App To get senior class reminders from JAF Class of
2020 please sign up for the BAND APP. All of the info will be shared this way! Great offers and discounts too! World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Senior Panoramic Picture Day
September 6, 2019 Senior Pictures Deadline to make it into the yearbook is Halloween, October 31 Must contact FoxMar yourself to make an appointment World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Senior Involvement Contract Due – Sept. 7, 2019 in the
Activities Office room 50 Senior Parent Night Sept. 4, 2019 One parent must attend for you to be eligible to participate in senior events. Homecoming Dance October 25, 2019 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
Senior Involvement Senior T-shirt ($10)
Activities Camo ¾ Sleeve Shirt ($15) JAF Hoodies ($25) Everything is on OSP. Can be picked up in the Activities Office. World Class Starts Here creAting A legAcy
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