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Cell Structure Pages 70-77.

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1 Cell Structure Pages 70-77

2 What do cells have in common?
A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions. Cell Membrane—The outer covering of a cell. The cell membrane is located inside the cell wall of plant cells. Cytoplasm—The gelatin-like material inside cells. The above is a movie from DigCur. “Properties of living things; basic structure, size, and function of cells”

3 How are cells different?
Cells can be as large as a meter or as small as a “.” or even smaller. Eukaryotic—These are cells with membrane bound structures. Prokaryotic—These are cells with no membrane bound structures. Bacteria Ebola Virus on a Cell Red Blood Cells Adipose Cells

4 Eukaryotic Cells This type of cell is found in your bodies.
They contain organelles that move materials and act as storage sites. A Typical Animal Cell A Typical Plant Cell

5 Prokaryotic Cells These cells are only found in one-celled organisms such as bacteria. A network of fibers called the cytoskeleton supports the cell. The cytoskeleton is inside the cytoplasm. A Typical Bacterial Cell Real time growth of bacteria.

6 Common cell structures
Nucleus—Contains the DNA. Usually the largest organelle in a cell. Materials enter and leave the nucleus by openings in the nuclear membrane. Ribosome—Small structure in a cell on which proteins are made. The nucleus of this muscle cell has been stained blue Detailed picture of a complete ribosome, using x-ray crystallography

7 Common cell structures cont’d
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)—A series of folded membranes that may be rough of smooth. Attached ribosomes cause ER to be rough. Golgi Bodies—Carry cellular substances (proteins) to the cell membrane where they are released to outside the cell. They also act as temporary storage for the cell. The green cloudy area is the ER. The Golgi bodies in this image were stained green

8 Common cell structures cont’d
Lysosome—Help break down food molecules, cell wastes, and worn-out cell parts. Mitochondria—Releases energy from food particles. Known as the power house of the cell. The lysosomes in this image have been stained red. The cell as seen through a light microscope. A mitochondria

9 Plant only cell structures
Cell wall—A tough, rigid outer covering that protects the cell and gives it shape. The cells of plants, algae, fungi, and most bacteria are enclosed in a cell wall. Plant cell walls are made of cellulose. Water and dissolved materials can pass through cell walls.

10 Plant only cont’d Chloroplast—Location of food production in plant cells. Vacuole—Storage site within a plant cell.

11 From a cell to an organism
Tissue Organ Organ System Organism

12 From a cell to an organism cont’d
Cell—The smallest unit capable of life. Tissue—A group of similar cells that work together to do one job. Organ—A structure made up of two or more types of tissue that work together.

13 From a cell to an organism cont’d
Organ system—A group of organs working together to perform a certain function. Organism—A group of organ systems working together. YOU!

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