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‘Breadline Britain’, ITV 1983

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1 ‘Breadline Britain’, ITV 1983
‘Breadline Britain’, ITV This was the first survey to examine which items were seen as ‘necessities’ which everyone should be able to afford. ‘Breadline Britain’, ITV This was the first survey to examine which items were seen as ‘necessities’ which everyone should be able to afford. ©ITV

2 The Government reaction
‘people who are living in need are fully and properly provided for’ Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister House of Commons, 22 December, 1983


4 ‘Breadline Britain in the 1990s’ ITV, 1991
And in 2013….

5 Breadline Britain , broadcast as a ‘Tonight’ special on ITV, March 2013
3.4 million viewers, tx primetime Thursday March 28, ESRC mentioned on primetime

6 #itvtonight The programme gained considerable support on social media

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