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Presentation on theme: "FRESHMAN CLASS MEETING"— Presentation transcript:


2 The Choice is Up To You Starting now you have the chance to:
Earn a strong GPA Get involved Have good attendance/discipline records Identify Interests & Career Options Earn required credits needed for graduation Explore Colleges, Vocational & Military options

3 Graduation Requirements
English (4 credits) Math (4 credits) Science (3 credits ) Social Studies (3 credits) Wellness (1 credit) PE (.5 credit) Personal Finance (.5 credit) Foreign Language (2 credits) Fine Arts (1 credit) Focus Elective (3 credits)

4 Graduation Requirements for English
4 credits of English English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

5 Students are required to take a math class every year of high school
Graduation Requirements for Math Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 Higher Level Math course determined by Math sub score on the ACT test Students are required to take a math class every year of high school

6 Graduation Requirements for Science
Physical Science Biology Chemistry or Physics

7 Graduation Requirements for History
World History & Geography U.S. History Economics (.5) Government (.5)

8 1 credit of a fine art class
Graduation Requirements for Fine Arts 1 credit of a fine art class

9 Foreign Language Requirements
Students will earn two credits of the same foreign language during high school

10 Graduation Requirements for Wellness/PE
Wellness (1 credit) P.E. (.5 credit) *You can waive the .5 credit if you are on a sports team, Marching band, Cheer or Dance

11 .5 Personal Finance ALL students are required to take the
course to meet graduation requirements

12 Students must earn 3 credits in a Focus Area
Focus Elective Area Students must earn 3 credits in a Focus Area These 3 credits will be in addition to the required courses needed for graduation

13 Bartlett Focus Areas Math & Science Health Science
Humanities & Liberal Arts Transportation & Logistics Marketing Hospitality & Tourism Business & Finance Culinary Arts Fine Arts Criminal Justice Advanced Placement Arts, A/V Tech & Communications Education & Training Human Services Advanced Manufacturing Information Technology Detective? Teacher? Engineer? Nurse?

14 What is a GPA? Your grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total amount of grade points earned by the total amount of credit hours attempted. A standard grade point average ranges from 0.0 to 4.0. A=4 grade points
B=3 grade points
C=2 grade points
D=1 grade point
F=0 grade points

15 Total Credits Attempted
Calculating Your GPA Course Credits Grade Grade Points Physical Science 1 80 3 Algebra I *Honors 94 4.5 English 9 65 Total = 3 Total = 8.5 Total Grade Points Divided By 8.5 GPA = 2.83 Total Credits Attempted 3 *2.67 with standard Algebra

16 Class Rank Class Rank is determined by your Weighted GPA
AP/Honors classes can improve your rank Honors classes add an extra .5 to your Grade Point AP/Dual Enrollment classes add an extra 1.0 to your Grade Point

17 What is the ACT Test? ACT – (American College Testing) – an achievement test, measuring what a student has learned in high school. Must have a 19 in Math & English to take college level coursework in college. Score range 1 (low) – 36 (high) English Math Reading Science

18 Pre-ACT & ACT The Sophomore class will take the Pre-ACT test in the Fall ACT required to graduate Take the ACT at least once before the March Junior year test so you can get a baseline score and see areas that you need to improve. Dates are posted online. Register on-line at so you can set up a Web ID account. It gives you the chance to access your scores quicker! Check college admissions pages to see ACT requirement

19 Graduating with Honors/Distinction
To graduate with State Honors students must score at or above readiness benchmarks on all of the subject areas of the ACT. English = 18 Math = 22 Reading = 21 Science = 24 To graduate with State Distinction students must have a 3.0 or higher and complete one of the following: Earn a nationally recognized industry certification Participate in one of the Governor’s Schools Participate in one of the state’s All-State musical organizations Be selected as a national merit finalist/semifinalist Attain a 31 or higher composite ACT score Attain a 3 or higher on at least two AP exams Earn 12 or more semester hours of transcripted postsecondary credit

20 SCHOLARSHIP MONEY HOPE Scholarship - Minimum of a 21 ACT or a minimum of SAT OR a 3.0 GPA / Up to $1,750 per semester as a Freshman or Sophomore, Up to $2,250 per semester as a Junior or Senior (Up to $1,500 for comm college without housing) TN Promise - Mandatory meetings and community service/ 2 years tuition free at a community or tech college in Tennessee *Both have renewal criteria *Hope scholarship uses this scale to determine GPA

21 Difference in Admissions
University of Arkansas 3.0 GPA, 20 ACT minimum Vanderbilt Holistic approach, Most admitted make ACT MTSU University of Tennessee (UT)

22 Soft Skills

23 Get Involved Participate in school activities.
Look for volunteer opportunities in the community that fit your career interests. Start a file with any awards, recognitions, achievements, volunteer work, and recommendations you receive that could be used for scholarship opportunities later. Participate in summer programs/internships that are related to your career interests, or look for programs to enhance your education.

24 GOAL-SETTING Open up Stickies on your computer and set a goal for this semester/year. Goals can be academic, behavioral/social, or college/career related. Setting goals helps to keep us accountable and on track to be successful in high school.

25 Research Career Options
Job Description Educational Requirements Average Salary Job Outlook

26 Colleges/TRADE SCHOOL

27 The Choice Is Yours Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. -Thomas Edison


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