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Publishing a Personal Web Site

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1 Publishing a Personal Web Site
iMovie sits at the center of the iLife suite, integrating iTunes, iPhoto, and iDVD to help create professional-looking films with music, titles, and effects.  Although the current version of iMovie is HD-compatible, you will only be able to import and edit High-Definition Video if you’ve shot your footage on an HD camcorder.  February 2006 Colby College ITS

2 Topics Creating your site locally Requesting personal web space
Moving the site to the server Accessing your site February 2006 Colby College ITS

3 Creating Your Site Locally
Create your site on your local computer Example Home page named “Index.htm” All picture in a folder named “images” Various other folders for organizational purposes Complete your site and test it locally February 2006 Colby College ITS

4 Requesting Personal Web Space (1)
Enter your Colby account name Click Submit Your space will be created within 24 hours February 2006 Colby College ITS

5 Requesting Personal Web Space (2)
You will receive mail informing you that the space has been created February 2006 Colby College ITS

6 Transferring the Site to a Server (1)
Run your FTP program (See FTP Tool Training Tutorials) Windows WS_FTP Mac Fetch Check that public_html has been created This is where your site files will live Move entire directory structure to remote site Under public_html February 2006 Colby College ITS

7 Transferring the Site to a Server (2)
These should now match February 2006 Colby College ITS

8 Accessing Your Site (1) Once you transfer your files to the web server, you can access through a web browser URL will be in the format: Where <firstinitial> is the first letter of your username <username> is your username <filename> is the name of the file you transferred (index.html) Example: will also work February 2006 Colby College ITS

9 Accessing Your Site (2) Example: will also work February 2006 Colby College ITS

10 Questions. Comments. Contact: Mel Regnell Mel. Regnell@colby. edu ext
February 2006 Colby College ITS

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