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Finnish Pediatric Society Division of Community Paediatrics

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1 Finnish Pediatric Society Division of Community Paediatrics

2 Membership data 1054 members in Finnish Pediatric Society
70 members in Subdivision of Community Pediatrics 645 pediatricians (rest child neurologists, child psyhciatrics, etc) 598 are in working age 71% women, more tha 54 years 32% 40% work in Helsinki region 17% Turku (Western Finland) 18% Tampere (Central Finland) 12% Kuopio (Eastern Finland) 12% Oulu (Northen Finland) 46 have specialization in Preventive health care

3 Subdivision of Community Paediatrics
70 members working in different fields of pediatrics (health care centers, private clinics, university hospitals and administration) Four meetings per year Visit to Lappeenranta (Eksote) Lasten ja Nuorten Talo (House of children and young) where pediatric service is produced together with social service, mental health care and family services Article and debate concerning services for schoolage children in new regional administration system called SOTE Working on a electronical booklet ’What is normal’ of most common questions and anserws to parents with small babies concerning benign conditions of children under one year of age Lecture by Professor Jussi Mertsola (University of Turku) and discussion of SOTE, the new regional administration system of health and social care in Finland

4 SOTE: Social services, health care and regional government reform
Reform by a new law of administrating social and health care in Finland In short: From municipal administration to counties (18 regional counties with full autonomy to decide where, what and how to produce social and health care services to the inhabitants of the region) According to the proposal, a total of 18 counties based largely on the existing regions will be established in mainland Finland. Counties are public-law bodies that enjoy regional autonomy. The counties will have county councils to be elected by direct popular vote. The counties will serve as public authorities with a wide range of duties to be defined in the County Act. Read more in English:

5 Vaccinations in Finland
Vaccinations are given by health care nurses in well baby centers (within healthcare centers) and schools General coverage is 95% (a series of vaccinations offering protection against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio and Hib diseases is commenced for almost 99% of children. Pneumococcal vaccinations are commenced for 95% and rotavirus vaccinations for 93% of children. In comparison to children born in 2012, the coverage for pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccinations has improved by 2%)


7 Vaccination coverige in Finland
BASED ON SURVEY DATA BASED ON REGISTER DATA Rota (3 doses) 90.0% (87.9% %) PCV (1 dose) 94.4% (92.7% %) PCV (3 doses) 92.3% (90.4% %) DTaP (1 dose) 98.3% (97.3% %) DTaP (3 doses) % (96.6% %) Polio (1 dose) 98.3% (97.3% %) Polio (3 doses) % (96.6% - 98,5%) Hib (1 dose) 98.2% (97.1% %) Hib (3 doses) 97.5% (96.3% %) MMR (1 dose) 96.0% (94.5% %) Rota (3 doses 83.4% (80.9% %) PCV (1 dose) 92.5% (90.6% %) PCV (3 doses) 85.5% (83.1% %) DTaP (1 dose) 96.6% (95.3% %) DTaP (3 doses) % (90.2% %) Polio (1 dose) 96.7% (95.4% %) Polio (3 doses) % (90.2% %) Hib (1 dose) 96.6% (95.3% %) Hib (3 doses) 91.9% (89.9% %) MMR (1 dose) 92.7% (90.0% %)

8 ECPCP co-operation in Ylläs, Finland April 2017

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