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MicNova Survey Results from July 2019 & Proposed Organizational Structure to meet Member & Guest Goals.

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Presentation on theme: "MicNova Survey Results from July 2019 & Proposed Organizational Structure to meet Member & Guest Goals."— Presentation transcript:

1 MicNova Survey Results from July & Proposed Organizational Structure to meet Member & Guest Goals

2 Summary of MicNova Survey Results, July 2019
Respondents: MicNova & Directors _11___; Guests _9__; Total_20__ Responses: Key Reasons for Belonging to/Attending MicNova: Investing in Stocks =20; Fin’l Literacy=13; Skill Building w Stocks: screening =17; evaluating =19; selling=18; portfolio =13; Other suggestions for education/research (inclu Value Line & SEC filings) and learning to do quarterly reports =14 What people want more of from MicNova meetings: Stock analysis and judgement practice; working in teams- perspectives of others. New (stock) presentations and education every meeting; workshops; perhaps some guest speakers. Suggested Organizational Structures: Pre-MicNova Meetings – orientation, education, fin’l literacy = 12 Mentorship = 12 Online classes between meetings =12 Other: Group projects =8, Buddies=5, Webinars

3 Proposed MicNova Model Club Structure for 2019-20
DC Chapter President & Officers Vice –President, Education (Jo Murphy, Assist VP:Pat Onufrak) Vice-President, Portfolio Mgmt (Ty Hughes, Assist VP: Wilbert Nixon) Vice-President, Stock Studies (. Sandy Caster Assist VP:Baskar?) Treasurer (Phyllis Woodring) VP Secretary (Maskey Krishnararo) Virginia Model Club President Stock Study Teams/ Leaders* *Sheryl/Linda. Online *Baskar *Sandy *Jo Rachel /Steve Pat Eric Paul Kathy Phyllis Jerry Maskey Gladys Ty Wilbert Kent Welcomer (e.g. Carol C) Technical Supt: ( e.g. Baskar?) Outreach (TBD) Pre/Ex-MicNovaEdu AssistantTreasurer Kent Billmyer ( & Mbrship Renewal) Assistant Secretary Kathy? Watch List Mgmt (Wilbert Nixon & team) Education Co. (Carol C; S.Patterson, _____) Audit Team

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