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Other National Accounts

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1 Other National Accounts

2 Net Domestic Product NDP
NDP = GDP – Consumption of fixed capital Depreciation

3 National Income NI NI = NDP - Statistical discrepancy + net foreign factor income earned

4 Personal Income PI PI= NI – taxes on production and imports - Social security contributions - corporate income tax – undistributed corporate profit + Transfer payment

5 Disposable Income DI DI = PI – Personal tax

6 DI is distributed between: consumption(C) and saving (S):
DI = C + S

7 The relation between: GDP, NDP, NI, PI, and DI.

8 Nominal GDP Vs Real GDP Nominal GDP = Sum of (Price × Quantity) for every item produced in the economy, using the current year’s price. When comparing nominal GDP figures between different years, you cannot determine whether the increase is due to the increase in price level or increase in output. Real GDP is adjusted for price level, that is, GDP measured at the same price level. Real GDP = (Nominal GDP / price index) X 100

9 Price index is a measure of the price of a specified collection of goods and services, in a given year as compared to the price of an identical (or highly similar) collection of goods and services in a reference year. That point of reference is known as the base period or base year.

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