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Lesson Plan by: Kayleigh Vanlandingham

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1 Lesson Plan by: Kayleigh Vanlandingham
Silhouettes Lesson Plan by: Kayleigh Vanlandingham Spring 2014 6th&7th grade

2 National Artists

3 Clay Rice Rice is an American artist and author/illustrator of children’s books. Clay and his grandfather Carew Rice are both artist that work with silhouettes. Carew Rice was born near Allendale, South Carolina and lived from These two artist where both born and raised in South Carolina Carew Rice Images from:

4 Where Are They From? This is South Carolina where both men were raised. Carew was raised in Allendale, located in the low country of South Carolina Images from:

5 Carew Rice’s Work Carew working Images from:

6 Clay Rice’s Work Images from:

7 Clay at Work Images from:

8 International Artists

9 Étienne de Silhouette Was born in Limoges, France Lived from 1709-1767
Images from:

10 Where Is He From? Images from:

11 What is a Silhouette? A silhouette is a drawing consisting of the outline of something, especially a human profile, filled in with a solid color or an outline that appears dark against a light background. Information from:

12 History of Silhouettes
Before photography, silhouette profiles cut from black card were the most efficient way to record a person's appearance.[ Silhouettes have been in use since the 18th century. Silhouettes have been used in shadow theater, has commonly been used in graphic design, photography and movies throughout history. Images and text from:

13 Words to Know Balance- Balance is at the base of every composition; it determines whether the photo is pleasing and harmonious to look at, or rather uncomfortable and unresolved. If you look at balance in a literal sense, a very basic analogy comes to mind which is that or the weighing scales. Symmetrical Balance- the placing of identical forms to either side of the central axis of a work to stabilize it visually. Asymmetrical Balance- also called informal balance, is more complex and difficult to envisage. It involves placement of objects in a way that will allow objects of varying visual weight to balance one another around a fulcrum point. Radial Balance- made in the direction of a radius; going from the center outward or from the circumference inward along a radius: a radial cut. Pattern- an arrangement of repeated or corresponding parts, decorative motifs Color- the quality of an object or substance with respect to light reflected by the object, usually determined visually by measurement of hue, saturation, and brightness of the reflected light; saturation or chroma; hue Silhouette- a drawing consisting of the outline of something, especially a human profile, filled in with a solid color Shape- Something distinguished from its surroundings by its outline.

14 Here Is What You Will Be Creating
Image from:

15 What You Will Need Materials List: Scissors Pencils
Run free tissue paper/assorted colors 10x22 paper (white) sulfite 60 lbs pages Mod podge Black construction paper (12x24) Paint brushes Colored construction paper (assorted colors of greens) White glue Clean up materials

16 Project Check List Does your project present the following?
__ Your name and date present on the back of your project __ Your project is mounted on a black background __ You used colored tissue paper to create your background __ You have cut out a silhouette of the tree you designed __ Your project has an asymmetrical composition __ Your tree reaches from the top to the bottom of your page __ You have at least two shades of green leaves present on your tree __ Your project has been flattened and air bubbles are not present

17 Videos of Clay Singing his book- Free hand silhouettes-

18 Standards State Standards: National Standards:
II.B. Create artworks that use composition of elements and principles of design that are most appropriate to communicate an idea V.A. Compare multiple purposes for creating artworks IV.A. Compare and contrast the characteristics of artworks in various eras and cultures National Standards: Grades 5–8 Content Standard 4 Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures Grades 5–8 Content Standard 6a Students compare the characteristics of works in two or more art forms that share similar subject matter, historical periods, or cultural context

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