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Welcome! Please check-in and sit with a small group.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Please check-in and sit with a small group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Please check-in and sit with a small group.

2 Opening Prayer

3 Director of Music/Organist
Today’s Lesson Faith in Life – Lutheran Worship Practices We welcome our guest teacher today: Dianne Christensen Director of Music/Organist

4 Guest Speaker Debrief -Answer the 3 questions on your Lesson 27 guide

5 Quiz (on Lesson 26) I LOVE QUIZZES! Me, too! Me, three!

6 1. Which Lord’s Prayer petition connects our family meals to Holy Communion?
First Second Third Fourth Communion Quiz!

7 2. What is the Fourth Petition?
Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done… Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses… Communion Quiz!

8 3. In John 6:48, Jesus calls Himself the “_______ of life.”
Water Cheese Bacon Bread Communion Quiz!

9 4. True or false: Christ’s body and blood replace the bread and wine at Communion. Communion Quiz!

10 5. True or false: Christ’s body and blood are present in the bread and wine during Holy Communion. Communion Quiz!

11 6. True or false: People receive Christ’s body and blood in the Sacrament, whether or not they believe. Communion Quiz!

12 7. BONUS Question: Our final end-of-the-year test will be on: a. Apr
7. BONUS Question: Our final end-of-the-year test will be on: a. Apr. 26 b. May 1 c. May 8 d. May 15 Communion Quiz!

13 With your small group: Share: Your highs and lows from the week
Write down prayer requests Choose a confirmand to pray later

14 Volunteer Ticket Winner! March – Robbie Schembri

15 Reminders! 15 sermon notes & 15 service hours due May 1st!
Kahoot Review on May 1st! Test on May 8th! Class party outside w/ root beer floats on May 15th!

16 Test Study Guide Final Test Tues, May 8
It will cover lessons from Sept. – Apr. Multiple choice, true or false, short answer, and short essay

17 Upcoming Sunday Night FLY’s!

18 Have a wonderful week! Go in peace and serve the Lord!

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