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First Day of School 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "First Day of School 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Day of School 2019

2 Find your seat!

3 Topics This Year: 7th Math and Pre-Algebra
Expressions & Equations Ratios & Proportions Probability Inequalities Multi-step Equations Geometry Congruence & Similarity Real numbers & Exponents

4 Topics This Year: Algebra
Similarity and Congruence Expressions, Equations and Inequalities Linear Relationships  Systems  Exponents and Polynomials  Introduction to Factoring  Functions  Sequences and Exponential Representations

5 Bring Every Day! Math folder Your pouch with
Pencils and Erasers Red Pen (or some other bright color) Your calculator Other required classroom supplies A reading book in case you finish early Chromebook (charged) and ear buds

6 Chromebook Expectations
Bring it to every class, every day, charged! Only use it when you have permission/ are directed to Close the screen COMPLETELY when you are not using it Put it in the case before leaving the classroom

7 Classroom Routine When you first come in:
Begin IXL (bellwork) and have your assignment out on your desk to be checked Check your assignment answers online and be ready to ask any questions about the work If your partner is absent, get an absent sheet and begin to fill it out Notes, activities, and assignments If you finish early, work on IXL or Enrichment Papers

8 Assignments Assignments will be posted on the front board every day
Assignments for the week will be posted on the back board Assignments will also be posted on my web page daily Answers will usually be posted daily

9 Turning In Your Work When asked to turn in work, always make sure your name (first and last) and hour are at the top. There is a tray in front of the room labeled with your class hour. Turn work into the correct tray.

10 Homework Policy All homework should be done in pencil and neatly written so that I can read it. Almost every homework assignment will be worth 4 points.   1-3 points will be appropriately allotted for assignments which are partially complete. 0 points will be given if homework is not turned in or only a couple problems are done.

11 Grading Policy: Pre-Algebra and Math
Scale: % = A    80-89% =B   70-79% = C       60-69% = D       < 60% = F      Your grade will be determined using a weighted system. 5% Classwork and Bellwork (IXL) 10% Homework 40% Tests 20% Quizzes % Unit Exams

12 Grading Policy: Algebra
Scale: % = A    80-89% =B   70-79% = C       60-69% = D       < 60% = F      Your grade will be determined using a weighted system. 5% Classwork and Bellwork (IXL) 20% Quizzes 45% Unit Tests 30% Trimester Exams

13 Retests Only applies to tests and quizzes, not unit exams Criteria
Any test, regardless of your score Fill out “request to retest” form- it’s linked on the website Have to show proof of what you did to improve your understanding After all of this is done, we will agree on a morning when you can come in to retest Must retest before the unit exam

14 Late Work/Absent Work Policy
For excused absences, we will accept late work for full credit up to one day longer than the number of days you missed, starting the day you return.  For example, if you miss three days (Mon-Wed), we will give you up to four school days (or up through Tuesday) to make up the work. For unexcused absences, we will not accept late work for credit except under extenuating circumstances with a note from a parent. If you were present, we will not accept late work for credit except under extenuating circumstances with a note from a parent.

15 Absent Buddy The person sitting next to you is your absent buddy!
If you move seats, you will have a new absent buddy. It is always the person sitting at the same table as you. Duties Check every day to see if your buddy is absent If he/she is absent Take an absent buddy sheet from the bin Fill it out by the end of the period Attach all necessary handouts and assignments Place it in the folder on the table in front of the room

16 If you were absent… Obtain the materials you missed attached to the absent buddy sheet in the folder READ IT  Turn in what was due the day you were absent!!! If you missed a Quiz, Test, or Unit Exam, see me to schedule a time to make it up After you have read through the Absent Buddy Form, if you have any questions, see me.

17 Lost Papers! If you lose a paper, check
the extra papers tray in front of the room for a replacement sheet. Also, check the “no name tray” often.

18 Phone Policy You may take a picture of the assignment board if that helps you and you may use your phone to keep track of assignments Otherwise Phones must be silent and out of sight. If you need to use your phone in an emergency, ask me for permission. Absolutely no texting or social media.

19 Welcome to 7th Grade! I know this is going to be an awesome year!

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