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Aviation Marketing Airline Marketing and Management Sixth Edition STEPHEN SHAW.

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Presentation on theme: "Aviation Marketing Airline Marketing and Management Sixth Edition STEPHEN SHAW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aviation Marketing Airline Marketing and Management Sixth Edition STEPHEN SHAW

2 What is Marketing? Activity(take 2 minutes to draw what you think marketing is) The Fundamentals

3 Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably. Marketing defined

4 What is Marketing? Customers need Profitability IdentifyingAnticipatingSatisfying

5 AMA definition: Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. Product management Brand management Customer management

6 Why Marketing? Importance of Marketing Scope of Marketing

7 Demand States Negative Nonexistent Latent Declining Irregular Unwholesome Full Overfull

8 Key Customer Markets Consumer markets Business markets Global markets Nonprofit/Government markets

9 Airline Marketing types 1.Consumer marketing Consumer Marketing is marketing activity targeted at the individual or the family. Comparatively straightforward in identifying customer needs e.g: leisure air travel marketing 2.Industrial marketing Industrial Marketing is the term used to describe business- to-business or firm-to-firm marketing. Complex decision making process because of large number of people (partly focusing on their own agenda) e.g: business air travellers, freight services

10 Marketing Mix and the Customer Four Ps Product Price Place Promotion Packaging/ physical evidence People Process Positioning Four Cs Customer solution Customer cost Convenience Communication

11 Customer insights Customer driven marketing strategy Tactical Plan Implementation Monitoring and controlling The Marketing Process

12 Marketing Management Tasks Develop market strategies and plans Capture marketing insights Connect with customers Build strong brands Shape market offerings Deliver value Communicate value Create long-term growth

13 1.The Customer 2. The Marketing Environment 3. Strategy Formulation 4. Product Design and Development 5. Pricing and Revenue Management 6. Distribution Channel Selection and Control 7. Selling, Advertising and Promotional Policies Stages in the Application of Marketing Principles to Airline Management

14 What Business are we in? 1. Transportation 2. Communication 3. Leisure 4. Logistics 5. Information 6. Selling Services

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