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Naomi Delap - Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Naomi Delap - Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Naomi Delap - Director

2 Who we are History and track record of supporting women and babies in custody since 1996 We support women across the CJS We understand severe, multiple disadvantage - the factors that impact on women’s experiences, and the outcomes of mothers and babies

3 Our approach Woman-centred Trauma-informed Non-judgemental Informed by lived experience What do we do? Services Research and policy Lived Experience Team

4 What do we know about perinatal
women affected by the CJS? Data – not much Severe health and social inequalities Risks to maternal and infant outcomes Specific needs of women experiencing separation from their babies through social services removal Time of significant opportunity

5 A whole systems approach
Across and beyond CJS Health, social care and justice Public health response – causes, not symptoms Respecting and protecting professional boundaries

6 Opportunities for probation
Gender specific, and needs led approach to appointments, requirements, treatment, support Joint commissioning Co-location of services New roles including Navigator roles

7 Thank you Naomi Delap Director

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