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Time schedule of investigations.

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1 Time schedule of investigations.
Time schedule of investigations. I: first visit: medical history and physical examination, followed a period of at least four days without laxatives. II: colonic transit time measurement and measurement of the recto–pelvic ratio at day 4 after ingestion of the last capsule with radio-opaque markers (total duration one week). III: rectal disimpaction programme with enemas and oral laxatives during approximately one week. IV: abdominal x ray with barium and measurement of the balloon–pelvic ratio, rectometrography, and anorectal manometry. (Total investigation time: two weeks and four days.)‏ R N van der Plas et al. Arch Dis Child 2000;83:52-58 Copyright © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd & Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. All rights reserved.

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