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In what ways do we define ourselves?

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Presentation on theme: "In what ways do we define ourselves?"— Presentation transcript:

1 In what ways do we define ourselves?
Personal Identity: In what ways do we define ourselves?

2 “This much I know is true”
Narrative Writing: “This much I know is true” How well do you really know yourself? What “truths” can you say about yourself with absolute certainty?

3 Consider these questions to help you understand yourself.
What do you know about your self, community consider more than one, such as the one in which you currently reside, those you may have lived in before past trials and triumphs, these are key in predicting your future present interests and investments Consider both the personal (social) realm as well as the professional (right now, this is your academic, or school persona) Spend the next 15 minutes writing a thoughtful reflection in response to the questions on the previous slide. Reflective Writing

4 Read pgs. 50-53, “High School’s Secret Life” by Emily White
Consider the following while you read, to be answered on your own paper: Reading Comprehension: What are some of the social groups she identifies? List and describe at least three (3) of them. Compare and contrast the social environment she describes in Calhoun H.S. in 1999 to yours at Von Steuben in How are they same? How do they differ? Use at least 2 examples to support the similarities and differences (4 total). Understanding Author’s Purpose: Consider the title, what can be inferred from White’s choice to title her essay “High School’s Secret Life”? In the early paragraphs of her essay, the author shares that she is no longer in high school and is merely an observer– what then, can you infer is her purpose for writing this piece? Use your higher order thinking skills to formulate a thoughtful response. Connecting to Self: Where do you fit in our social hierarchy? Is this where you want to be? Why or why not? Where did you fit in before? Do you think this will change over time? Consider all these before providing a reflective response. Analytical Questions

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