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Understanding Descriptions And Parent Categories

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Descriptions And Parent Categories"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Descriptions And Parent Categories

2 Descriptions and Parent Categories
Understanding Descriptions and Parent Categories During this brief lesson we’ll review Descriptions and Parent Categories and how they’re used.

3 Descriptions and Parent Categories
are used to group your Inventory items for sorting, reporting, and taking Physical Inventory. Each Inventory item must be assigned a Parent Category/Description. Browse to Inventory>Inventory Management>Categories.

4 Description is a subset of Parent Category.
Your initial Descriptions and Parent Categories were created from your original Inventory Import. These may be all you’ll need. For ease of use, it’s best not to have too many Descriptions or Parent Categories. Description is a subset of Parent Category. Parent Categories are best used to describe your storage areas. Click on the heading to sort either column. In this example, the Parent Category describes the storage location.

5 Using your storage locations as your Parent Categories,
you’re Inventory Worksheets will ‘guide’ you to the products in each.

6 To find a Description or Parent Category,
Type the first few letters or the whole name in the text entry field, Then Enter Enter the new Description. Or, select a Filter option and type in the appropriate text.

7 If you do need to add a Description and Parent Category,
And Save. Click the + sign. Enter the new Description. Select the appropriate Parent Category from the dropdown list. (To add a Parent Category, call Customer Support.)

8 Congratulations, You’re All Arranged!
You can now: Sort Filter, Find and Add Your Descriptions and Parent Categories.

9 Thanks for Learning! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

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