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1. What are the results of Mitosis?

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Presentation on theme: "1. What are the results of Mitosis?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. What are the results of Mitosis?
Two identical daughter cells Same number of chromosomes as the original cells Cells are diploid

2 2. Describe the process of Meiosis?
Four unique daughter cells With half the number of chromosomes (haploid)

3 3. What happens during crossing over and draw a picture?
Genes from one chromosome are exchange with genes from another chromosome. Occurs during prophase I in meiosis and leads to genetics diveristy?

4 4. Does meiosis or mitosis occur in embryo?

5 5. Does meiosis and mitosis occur sex cells?

6 6. Draw a diagram of metaphase
6. Draw a diagram of metaphase. How can you distinguish metaphase from anaphase? The chromosomes are in the middle of the cell

7 7. What are the advantages of asexual reproduction?
Occurs quickly Produce large number of offspring Only requires 1 organism

8 8. Compare and contrast sexual and asexual reproduction.

9 9. Are mutations harmful? No some mutation in a gene sequence can code for the same amino acid

10 10. What happens in mitosis that does not occur in meiosis?
One cell division occurs Identical daughter cells

11 11. What is fertilization? When an egg and sperm join to create a zygote.

12 12. What is the process where mRNA is made from DNA?

13 13. What is the process where mRNA is made into to proteins?

14 14. What are some causes of a mutation?
UV light X-ray Environmental factors

15 15. Does meiosis or mitosis result in four unique daughter cells?

16 16. How many amino acids will code for the following DNA sequence
16. How many amino acids will code for the following DNA sequence? CGACGGAAU CGA-CGG-AAU 3

17 17. When does DNA replicate?

18 18. If a boy has an X-linked trait, what chromosome are the alleles found on?
X chromosome

19 19. Describe the strands of DNA after replication.
It will result in two strands each with a new strand

20 20. Describe sex cells and how are they produced?
Eggs and sperms are sex cells and they are produced during meiosis

21 21. A heterozygous white rabbit (Ww) is crossed with a homozygous black rabbit (ww). Give the phenotype and genotype of the offspring.

22 22. Why must DNA replicate before cell division?
So each new cell will have the same amount of DNA

23 23. If gobbers come in three colors blue, yellow, and green
23. If gobbers come in three colors blue, yellow, and green. Would this be co-dominance, complete, or incomplete dominance? Incomplete Dominance

24 24. If gobbers come in 3 colors blue (BB), yellow (B’B’), and green (B’B), what percent of offspring will be green if you cross a green gobber with a yellow goober?

25 25. What is the role of mRNA? Carries the code from DNA to ribosomes.

26 26. What is independent assortment?
Describes how different genes independently separate from one another.

27 27. What is nondisjunction and during what phase can nondisjunction occur?
The failure of chromosomes to separate correctly during anaphase

28 28. What are the possible alleles for blood type?

29 What is the ratio of a dihybrid cross?

30 Identify the following karyotype and determine if male or female, normal or not

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