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Online Volunteer Work Health & Safety Induction

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Presentation on theme: "Online Volunteer Work Health & Safety Induction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Volunteer Work Health & Safety Induction

2 Role of Volunteers To observe all established policies and procedures
Attend any required training Work in a manner that is consistent with the expectations of the supervising teacher/ESO Be aware of and demonstrate a commitment to the safety of the student(s) in relation to the required activity To keep confidential any personal or sensitive information

3 Role of Principal and Officers
Ensure that the Volunteer policy is implemented Ensure structures are in place for the support of volunteers Actively encourage the support of voluntary help in areas within the school

4 Ensure that all volunteers are appropriately supervised
Role of Staff Ensure that all volunteers are appropriately supervised Ensure that all volunteers have completed the required volunteer process prior to commencing in a voluntary capacity Ensure that all volunteers are fully informed of the duties they are undertaking

5 Volunteer Responsibilities
Volunteers must take reasonable care to protect their own health and safety Ensure you do not endanger the safety of others Report any hazards, incidents or near miss to the WHS Coordinator – Tania Carosi Ensure that you are not affected by any drugs or alcohol that would endanger your own or any other person health and safety If you have any Child Protection concerns whilst volunteering, our school contact person is the school’s Principal – Liz Thomas

6 Volunteer Rights As a volunteer you have a number
of rights you need to be aware of: To carry out work in a healthy and safe environment To be provided with a job description that adequately describes your roles and responsibilities To be provided with a WHS induction prior to commencement as a volunteer To be provided with sufficient information, instruction and training for you to perform your tasks safely To be provided with adequate supervision

7 Safe Work Ensure you only do work that you can perform safely
If you have any safety concerns please speak with the staff member supervising the work, WHS Coordinator or the Principal immediately Please ensure that you have adequate training for the task you are undertaking and that all protective equipment identified is used

8 Chemicals Only use chemicals that are supplied by the school.
All chemicals used in the school have been risk assessed and have an associated Material Safety Data Sheet which is located in the staff room

9 Vehicles If you are using your car as part of your volunteer duties, please ensure that you have completed the Vehicle Declaration Form available from the WHS Coordinator. A copy of your drivers licence is also required to be provided with the Vehicle Declaration Form.

10 Emergency Procedures Please make yourself aware of the Emergency Plan in the area you are volunteering in (the plan is located near the EXIT area). The Emergency Plan also includes an outline of the Emergency Evacuation and the Lock In Procedure Dial 701 for Front Office or 758 for WHS Coordinator in case of an emergency or serious medical emergency - In case of fire, call emergency services (0)000

11 EMERGENCY WARDENS CHIEF WARDEN Simon Mechis (Chief Emergency Warden)
Tania Carosi (Deputy Emergency Warden) EMERGENCY WARDEN Carmelo Lagana, Tanya Nigro, Adrian Pasquini, Nadia Tripodi, Romina Belperio, Susan George, Graziella Panazzolo, Mario Tronnolone and Keiran Taylor.

12 Emergency Procedures If you are responsible for a volunteer activity, you are also responsible for having a volunteer checking off register in case an emergency occurs. An “All Clear” will be given at the end of any type of emergency procedure – please wait for the “All Clear” before continuing with duties.

13 Volunteer Job Description
Supporting teachers in the classroom This support will usually be in the form of hearing students read and revising times tables (where applicable) under the supervision of the class teacher. Attending class excursions Assisting in the supervision of students as directed by the teacher on arranged activities outside the school grounds (Duty of Care is held with the teacher). Volunteering in the canteen The preparation, handling and selling of food using the canteens internal policy and procedures as set out by the canteen supervisors. All of the volunteer duties are under the direction and with the support of the canteen supervisors.

14 Volunteer Job Description
Special School Events Supporting the school and Parents and Friends Committee with specially arranged events e.g. Sports Day, Quiz Nights. Working in the Library Supporting the library with book covering and the re-shelving of books under the direction of the library staff. Acting as Class or Parents and Friends Representatives To be supportive and active wherever possible in a wide range of fund raising and school related activities. Coaching students in After School Sports Programs To supervise, train and support the students in an encouraging way, with guidance from the schools Out of School Hours Sports Coordinator. For more information please refer to the Out of School Hours Sport Policy.

15 Other Volunteer Considerations
Please ensure that you sign in/out prior to commencing and finishing volunteer activities When carrying out volunteer duties please only use designated community toilet facilities Please leave work areas clean and tidy and free from tripping and slipping hazards. EXIT doors must be kept free at all times from obstructions

16 Thank you! You have completed your Volunteer WHS Induction
If you have any further questions please also see Tania Carosi. Please complete and return all required volunteer application documentation and online training records also to Tania.

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