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05 | Advanced Contracts Pt 1

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1 05 | Advanced Contracts Pt 1
Jerry Nixon | Microsoft Developer Evangelist Daren May | President & Co-founder, Crank211

2 Agenda for the Day 05 | Advanced Contracts Pt 1. First Half
Second Half 01 | Animations 05 | Advanced Contracts Pt 1. 02 | Responsive Design 06 | Advanced Contracts Pt 2. 03 | Branding 07 | Media 04 | Reusable Controls 08 | Advanced Features ** MEAL BREAK ** Visit xamlShow on CodePlex

3 Module Agenda Print Contract Settings Contract

4 Print Contract

5 Printing contract Basic API Considerations PrintManager PrintDocument
DocumentSource PrintTask PrintTaskOptions You are using XAML HTML/CSS is another option You could use your existing UI Probably not the best choice You can create a dedicated printing UI You handle everything pagination preview rendering

6 Printing architecture
Create (1) PrintDocument Get PrintManager (2) For current view Print (8) PrintTaskRequested (3) PrintManager GetPreviewPage (6) AddPages (7) Paginate (5) SetSource (4) PrintDocument

7 Printing

8 More printing resources
A great resource for a more complex scenario: 31 Days of Windows 8 | Day #20: Printing day-20-printing MSDN Printing Quickstart us/library/windows/apps/hh aspx

9 Settings Contract

10 Settings contract ApplicationSettings.SettingsPane
CommandsRequested event ApplicationSettings.SettingsCommand Key Text Action Xaml.Controls.Primitives.Popup


12 Settings helper

13 Module Review Print Contract Settings Contract


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