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01/05/2015 I can critically analyze my performance at the vendor fair.

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Presentation on theme: "01/05/2015 I can critically analyze my performance at the vendor fair."— Presentation transcript:

1 01/05/2015 I can critically analyze my performance at the vendor fair.
ON TASK, ON TIME! Days until end of semester: 15 I can critically analyze my performance at the vendor fair. I can determine percent mark up and markdown. Welcome back! Entry Task: Have out a separate piece of paper. If you have not turned in all of your Vendor Fair paperwork, please do so now. Pun of the day

2 Please fold your piece of paper in half, hot dog style.
Vendor Fair review Please fold your piece of paper in half, hot dog style. On one half of the paper write, “Things I liked/did well” On the other half write, “Things I think need improvement”

3 Markdown!!! Situation: The Vendor Fair only has one hour left and you still have several items that you need to sell. What do you do? Vendors/ retailers often use markdowns, or sale prices, to move product or increase flow through the store.

4 First, we find mark up To determine how much you can afford to mark your product DOWN, we must first determine how much you marked your product UP. Percent mark up is found by taking the selling price and dividing it by the cost to make it. You then take your answer and multiply it by 100. Example: Given it costs $4.30 to print a t- shirt and a company charges you $10 for the t-shirt, what is the percent mark up of the shirt? %

5 How much of a sale can you afford?
Now that you know your percent markup, we can determine how much of a sale you can afford to offer your customers! Where percent mark up is determined by the cost to make the product, percent mark down is based on the original selling price. To determine percent markdown, you take your new selling price and divide it by your original price. OR you multiply your original price by the percent you want to mark your product down.

6 T-shirt example The company you work for originally sells a certain print of t-shirt for $15 and is trying to get as many of these shirts in the market as possible so decide to put them on sale for 40% off. What is the new price?

7 T-shirt example con… If the cost to make the shirt was $5.30, what is the highest percent mark down the company could offer while still making at least a 10% profit?

8 Apply to your Product… Choose one of your products and determine what the highest percent mark down you could have offered your customers while still making at least a 10% profit.

9 For tomorrow… We will begin our math in music and art unit tomorrow!

10 No HW Task On the sticky note provided, please write your name, and confidence level in regards to music on a scale from 0-4. 4 3 2 1

11 01/06/2015 ON TASK, ON TIME! Days until end of semester: 14 I can describe how math inherently relates to music. I can apply fractions to music. Entry Task: Have your notebook out and in it, describe your experiences with music. Do you play an instrument? If so, what one? What type of music do you listen to? Have you ever taken a music theory course? Etc… Pun of the day

12 Caveat While I am a professional teacher, I am in not a professional musician. While I thoroughly enjoy listening to music, singing when no one is listening and can play a couple of songs on the piano, this is no way qualifies my musical abilities. This being said, I have done ample research into this particular field of study and am very excited to show you the beauty of how math shapes music. Also, there are students in this classroom with much greater musical ability than I possess. If you are one such person, please feel free to divulge your musical knowledge with us throughout this unit.

13 The World’s Ugliest Music

14 Note Duration The duration of a note is the length of time that a note is played. The following are the important notes and their durations:

15 Whole note A whole note does just what it says, gets a whole measure to be played. One note per measure.

16 Half note A half note does just what it says, gets half the number of beats as a whole note. Therefore there are 2 notes per measure.

17 Quarter note A quarter note does a quarter of the number of beats as a whole note. Therefore there are 4 notes per measure.

18 Eighth note A eighth note gets an eighth of the number of beats as a whole note. Therefore there are _____ notes per measure.

19 Sixteenth note A sixteenth note gets a sixteenth of the number of beats as a whole note. Therefore there are _____ notes per measure.

20 Beware the black spot! A note with a dot after it is lengthened by half. For example, the following quarter note is lengthened by half: = 3 8

21 Beware the black spot! Your example
A note with a dot after it is lengthened by half. Given the note below, find the fraction of the measure that it would be held:

22 01/07/2015 Pun of the day I can describe the Fibbonacci sequence.
ON TASK, ON TIME! Days until end of semester: 13 I can describe the Fibbonacci sequence. I can explain ways in which the sequence shows up in music. Pun of the day Entry Task: In your notebook, identify the pattern of the following numbers and write the next 10 terms: 1,1,2,3,5,8,…

23 A-rhythm-etic

24 Let’s try some Fraction work

25 Leonardo of Pisa (aka Fibonacci)

26 Golden Ratio Using the numbers you found from the entry task, determine the following ratios: add two consecutive numbers together and divide your answer by the smaller of the two numbers. Do this for at least 8 pairs.

27 Bartok’s Music for strings, percussion, and celeste
Bela Bartok’s Music for Strings, Percussion and Celeste is one of the most famous (and controversial) examples of Fibonacci Ratios in music.


29 Fibonacci in Scores Sheet
Task Using your knowledge of the golden ratio, if a musical piece had 13 measures, in which measure should the climax take place in order for the piece to embody the golden ratio? 4 3 2 1

30 01/08/2015 ON TASK, ON TIME! Days until end of semester: 12 I can calculate the frequencies of piano notes. I can name all the notes in an octave. Pun of the day Entry Task: Sit in your correct “chair”. If a piece of music has 93 measures, at which measure should the climax be in order to create the Golden Ratio?

31 What is sound?

32 What is volume?

33 What is pitch? How frequently the waves hit your ear.

34 Measuring Pitch Let’s take a look at a piano keyboard… see the diagram in front of you. Listen as I play the same note in different octaves. Now listen as I play the note C, A, D (in that order)- Do they sound similar? Now listen as I play the note C, E, G (in that order)- How do they sound together?

35 Calculating pitch/frequency

36 01/09/2015 ON TASK, ON TIME! Days until end of semester: 11 I can demonstrate the importance of different mathematicians in history. Pun of the day Entry Task: Sit in your proper “chair”. Have out your notebook to take notes on Math Histories. We will go in alphabetical order.

37 Beethoven’s Mathematical Genius

38 And then there’s this guy…

39 Song Birds and Pitches 0900/images/songsparrow4cm.wav 0900/images/songsparrow4cslow.wav

40 Star Light, Star Bright…

41 Pixar’s use of Math

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