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Vocabulary #1/Section #2

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1 Vocabulary #1/Section #2
THEATRE ORGANIZATION Vocabulary #1/Section #2

2 DIRECTOR A person who supervises the actors, camera crew, and other staff for a movie, play, television program, or similar production.

3 producer A person responsible for the financial and managerial aspects of making a movie or broadcast, or for staging a play, musical, opera, etc.

4 Stage manager The person responsible for the lighting, sound, and other technical arrangements for a stage play. They also record the director’s blocking notes, manage the cast, and “call” the show.

5 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR A person who tracks the daily progress of a project, makes schedules, arranges logistics, prepares daily call sheets, and maintains order on the set.

6 TECHNICAL DIRECTOR A person who typically oversees the carpentry, rigging, lighting, and props departments and works as a liaison to the performance’s primary direction. They may also supervise the sound and pyrotechnics aspects of a show.

7 RUN CREW A collective term used in theatre to describe the members of the technical crew who supervise and “run” the various aspects of the production during a performance.

8 PROP MASTER Or Prop Mistress – the person responsible for purchasing, acquiring, and/or manufacturing any props needed for a production.

9 DESIGNER The person who “creates the space” in which the actors perform. They create the plans for the sets, lighting, costumes, and props.

10 PLAYWRIGHT A person who writes plays. Also known as a dramatist, scriptwriter, or screenwriter.

11 HOUSE MANAGER The person who supervises the selling of tickets, ushering of patrons in front of house areas, concessions, and the maintenance and management of the theatre building.

12 USHER A person who shows people to their seats.
A great R&B/Rap singer (HA HA)!!

13 BOX OFFICE MANAGER Supervises the staff on duty, responsible for sales and accounting, and provides customer service to the theatre guests.

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