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CG: “Snapshot” title graphic
Hello everyone! I’m so excited you could be here for the second week of “Snapshot.” Did you have fun last week striking poses for our Bible story? (Kids reply.) Awesome— because we get to do it again! During the “Snapshot” series, we’re striking some really crazy and fun poses to help tell the next part of the Big Bible Story. In fact, I think we should take a warm-up snapshot right now. (Take out camera or smartphone.) On the count of three, I want you to strike a pose like you’re totally, madly in love. (Count to 3. Use camera or smartphone to take a picture.) That was great!
(Tell kids to take a seat
(Tell kids to take a seat. Look at the screenshot on your camera or phone.) You know what? This snapshot reminds me of what we talked about last week. Does anyone remember what story we learned? (Call on kid for answer.) That’s right—we learned about the first four of God’s Ten Commandments. The first four commandments give us a snapshot (or picture) of how to show love to God. Let’s look at those commandments one more time. CG: “Commandments 1–4” graphic
Let’s shout the number out together and then say the commandment with me. (For non-readers, say the commandment first and then have them repeat after you. Punch the air with one finger raised. Shout out, “1st Commandment.”) 1st Commandment! Put God first. (Repeat for each commandment.) 2nd Commandment! Worship God only. 3rd Commandment! Use God’s name with respect. 4th Commandment! Remember God’s day of rest. Nice job—but we’re not done just yet.
If those were the first 4 out of 10 commandments, how many more commandments are there? (Kids respond.) You got it— there are 6 more commandments. And that is what we’re going to talk about today! CG: show “snapshot” from previous week of kids looking super scared
Do any of you remember this snapshot from last week. (Kids respond
Do any of you remember this snapshot from last week? (Kids respond.) Why were the Israelites scared? (Take answer.) That’s right—God had descended onto the top of Mount Sinai in the form of a thick cloud. CG: “Mount Sinai” illustration. Intense thunder and lightning came from the cloud and shook the whole mountain. And then, from inside the cloud, God’s voice boomed so that all the Israelites could hear Him deliver His Ten Commandments. We already looked at the first four commandments, so now let’s look at the last six. CG: “Commandments 5–10” graphic
Let’s read these together just like before
Let’s read these together just like before. (Punch the air with five fingers raised. Shout out “5th Commandment” and then read the commandment aloud with kids.) 5th Commandment! Obey your parents. (Repeat for each commandment.) 6th Commandment! Don’t hurt other people. 7th Commandment! Be faithful in marriage. 8th Commandment! Don’t steal. 9th Commandment! Don’t lie. 10th Commandment! Don’t wish for other people’s stuff.
CG: “The Big Bible Story” graphic (Hold up camera or smartphone
CG: “The Big Bible Story” graphic (Hold up camera or smartphone.) Time for another snapshot! Strike a pose like you’re climbing a super steep mountain. Hold the pose until I say stop. (Give kids a few seconds to pose. Take a snapshot when ready.) When God had finished giving all ten of His commandments, Moses climbed to the top of Mount Sinai—which had to be super hard because the mountain was really tall and Moses was more than 80 years old! (Tell kids to take a seat.)
While Moses was up there, God gave him all kinds of other instructions about worshipping Him and treating other people right. At the end, God used his finger (illustrate with finger) to carve the Ten Commandments into two stone tablets, which He gave to Moses. In all, Moses was on top of Mount Sinai for 40 days, which caused a big problem down below.
Time for another snapshot. (Hold up camera or smartphone
Time for another snapshot! (Hold up camera or smartphone.) Strike a pose like you’re really worried about something. Hold it! (Take a snapshot.) Since Moses was gone for so long, the Israelites started to get worried that he would never come back. They were worried that no one would be there to lead them. (Tell kids to take a seat.) So they went to Moses’ brother, Aaron, and told him to make them a god they could follow. Can you believe that? The Israelites just received the Ten Commandments and they’re already breaking the 2nd one—worship God only.
Snapshot time. Strike a pose like you’re taking off earrings
Snapshot time! Strike a pose like you’re taking off earrings. (Take a snapshot.) Aaron told all the people to take off their gold earrings and bring them to him. Now strike a pose like you’re a cow. (Take a snapshot.) Aaron melted all the earrings and shaped them into a statue of a golden calf. Now strike a pose like you’re having a wild dance party. (Take a snapshot.) The Israelites began dancing wildly in front of the golden calf and worshipping their new god. Right at that time, Moses was coming down from the mountain and saw what the Israelites were doing. Strike a pose like you’re super mad. (Take a snapshot.)
Moses was so mad that he threw the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments and shattered them on the ground. (Tell kids to take a seat.) Moses wasn’t the only one mad, though. Can you imagine who was even madder? (Take answer.) God! In fact, God was so mad that He wanted to destroy the Israelites. Let’s do another snapshot—strike a pose like you’re praying. (Take a snapshot.)
After he stopped the Israelites from worshipping the golden calf, Moses prayed to God and asked Him to forgive the people. God agreed to spare many of their lives, but He said that when the time came, the people would have to be punished for their sin.
CG: “Big Bible Story Questions” graphic
Let’s take a look at the questions that you’re going to talk about in your small groups in a little bit, while the story is fresh in your minds… What was your favorite part of this story? Why do you think God was upset that the Israelites had created a golden calf to worship?
CG: “Commandments 5–10” graphic
In today’s story, we got to see the last 6 commandments. Let’s look at them again. (Draw attention to the commandments on the screen. Tell the kids they’ll need to remember which commandment goes with which number. Read the commandments together one more time. When finished take the commandments off of the screen) CG: “Snapshot” title graphic.
(tape the “Commandment Number” signs (5–10) at various locations around the room. Tell the kids you’ll read a commandment (listed below) and they’ll have to quickly decide which number it goes with and move to that sign in the predetermined fashion, in bold) Walk backwards. Don’t lie. (9th) Army crawl. Obey your parents. (5th) Crabwalk. Be faithful in marriage. (7th) Hop on one foot. Don’t wish for other people’s stuff. (10th) Spin in circles. Don’t hurt other people. (6th) Skip. Don’t steal. (8th)
Let me ask you a question
Let me ask you a question. If the first 4 commandments give us a snapshot (or picture) of how we can love God, what do think the last 6 commandments give us a snapshot of? (Take answer.) You got it! The last 6 commandments show us ways that we can love other people. In fact, in the New Testament, Jesus said the last 6 commandments could be summed up with just one little sentence. Let’s see what it is. CG: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” Luke 10:27b
What Jesus is saying is that when you treat other people the way that you want to be treated, you don’t steal from them, or lie to them, or hurt them. Following the last 6 commandments is a way for us to love other people the way that we want to be loved
Unfortunately, following God’s commandments isn’t always easy—is it
Unfortunately, following God’s commandments isn’t always easy—is it? No, it’s not—in fact, it’s impossible for us to follow all of God’s commandments all of the time. Just think of the Israelites in our story today—it didn’t take them very long before they broke one of God’s commandments in a big way. The truth is that we’re all like the Israelites—we’ve all sinned and broken God’s commandments before. When God gave us the Ten Commandments, it was a way of showing us just how impossible it is for us to live a perfect life. God’s commandments show us just how much we need a Savior.
One last snapshot. Stretch your arms out as far as they’ll go
One last snapshot! Stretch your arms out as far as they’ll go. (Take a final snapshot.) Fortunately, there was one person who obeyed all of God’s commandments and lived a perfect life—Jesus! And here’s the most amazing part—even though He didn’t deserve it, Jesus took the punishment for our sins so that we could have eternal life with God. Let’s pray right now and thank Him for that incredible gift. CG: “Snapshot” title graphic
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