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STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

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Presentation on theme: "STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)"— Presentation transcript:

1 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
What is Engineering? STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

2 Definition /Explanation
the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures All around us Most things you come in contact with are ‘engineered’. Name some examples __________________ ______________________ _________________________ _________________________ Involves the use of math and science to solve problems

3 Fields of Engineering Aerospace Agricultural Biomedical Chemical Civil
Computer Electrical Environmental Industrial/Manufacturing Mechanical Materials Mining Nuclear Ocean Transportation

4 What does an Engineer do?
What is an Engineer? Someone who builds structures, produces parts, assembles products, and solves problems What does an Engineer do? Design and develop products Use principles of science Run tests Create and build things Use the design process to help solve problems

5 Engineering Design Process
A series of steps used to create products and solve problems 1. ASK – identify your problem and your ‘needs’ 2. RESEARCH – examine the problem 3. IMAGINE – develop different solutions 4. PLAN – choose one solution to develop 5. CREATE – work through the solution 6. TEST – test and evaluate 7. IMPROVE – reflect and reevaluate

6 Step 1 – ASK What is the problem? What are the goals? Step 6 – TEST Does it work? Does it meet the requirements? Step 2 – RESEARCH What causes the problem? Look at all aspects of the problem? Step 7 – REDESIGN Make improvements. If design does not work, repeat previous steps in order to identify mistakes. Step 3 – IMAGINE Research possible solutions to problem. Step 4 – PLAN Choose the best solution that best meets the requirements. Step 5 – CREATE Build a prototype. Draw it out. Document progress. Create it.

7 Let’s relate – Real World example…
Discuss – in groups – how a real-world problem can be translated into steps and solved using the design process. On a sheet of paper, identify a problem and document each of the seven steps to resolve it

8 Engineering professions
In your notebooks, research the following: Engineering career Years of study involved to achieve the profession What do they do? What is surprising about the profession? What seems challenging about it? How does it relate to real world? Is it a necessary profession? In two-three paragraphs(minimum), detail all the questions listed above. We will present in class, as a group.

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