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Brewer Field Hockey Parent Night 2019

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1 Brewer Field Hockey Parent Night 2019

2 Coaching Staff Varsity head coach: Jessica Russell
JV coaches: Paige Haley Volunteer coaches: Skip Amy Ally Dean Middle school coaches: Sarah Estes

3 Philosophy Be respectful- of yourself, parents, team, coaches, and officials Be a good teammate- show kindness, be supportive, work together Be open minded- everyone is constantly learning Be a positive representative

4 Philosophy Play hard Play together Play smart Trust your team
Be confident

5 Vision and Goals Vision Goals
To continue to build the program and build positive/healthy lifelong relationships Maintain positive reputation in the classroom, in the community, and on the field Varsity: wins, make and win playoffs, continued sportsmanship Skill and game knowledge development Sustaining our youth program to continue to build on our first two goals

6 Expectations: team selection and playing time
Team selection: Teams will be selected based on an assessment of overall skill level, your commitment to yourself and your team, coachability, knowledge of the game, and attitude Swing players: your coaching staff always has the ability to “swing” players between teams based on overall skill development OR decreased commitment, negative attitudes, and not meeting team expectations Playing time: Varsity- play to win; if you are on varsity it is likely that you will see some minutes every game but it will not be equal JV-everyone will play and have the opportunity to develop as a player I will be open and honest with each player on things they can do to earn more playing time- if there are more questions I ask that you have the player meet with me first in person.

7 Expectations: practices
Practice schedules will be posted online but all practices are consistently 6pm- 7:30pm. Please do not show up any earlier then 30 minutes before practice to be dropped off or picked up. Players are expected to be dressed and ready to warm up at the beginning of practice times, be there early if you take a while to get ready to practice Practices are just as important as games. All players are expected to prioritize their practices and attend the entire length of time. Expectations would be: needing extra help with school work, family emergency, or once in a lifetime opportunities Players who work: please work with your employers, I understand that work is important too and players should not be consistently late or missing practices to work. For unexcused misses: If you do not practice- you do not play in the next day

8 Expectations: Games Players are expected to support the other teams, middle school included. I understand that school, work, and family are important but players should be staying to watch other games as much as possible Players should be arriving 1 hour before game time and starting warming up 45 minutes before we play. Away Games I will have the players text their parents when we are 15 minutes away to be picked up- we will have many LATE nights so please be on time to pick up your player I need written notification, texts are okay, to have your daughter picked up from a game Post game procedure- sportsmanship, team talk, THEN parents and friends

9 Expectations: for the Parents
Be the spectators! Let the coaches coach, let the players play, let the officials officiate. PLEASE do not coach from the sideline. Our coaching staff has an array of skill and knowledge and are dedicating to helping your player develop. We may be asking your player to play a certain way or practice a certain skill in the game you may not be aware of Allow your player to vent at home- its very healthy to discuss frustrations regarding the coaches, team, and players. Encourage them to talk about how they feel and how they can approach the situation to deal with it appropriately Be proactive when planning appointments, family events, etc.

10 Other expectations/ miscellaneous
Your players will not have their cellphones 1 hour prior to game times and not at all during practices. If you are concerned or need to contact them during practice please reach out to me or Paige Positive social media accounts Injuries- being sore/hurt is different than being injured. Players should be encouraged at home to take care of their bodies to prevent soreness and “hurts” from turning into injuries Attire: players should be wearing brewer field hockey gear on sidelines and to games Store opens up 8/12 COOL NEW THINGS WILL BE ON THERE Get in your athletic forms- you will not be able to try out if you don’t. there are three forms online Athletic training permission to treat Athletic code acknowledgement Medical history update form OR physical form for new players Impact testing for all new players August 12th 12-1pm or 1-2pm August 13th 4-5pm-5-6pm August 16th 12-1pm or 1-2pm All tests are in the Computer Lab rm 302

11 Communication I will communicate with the players via GROUP ME regarding changes in practice times and games, will post in our private facebook group, and send a mass . DO NOT text/ me about issues involving playing time or conflicts within the team. Please call me to set up a meeting face to face. 24 Hour rule: everyone (coaches included), need 24 hours after a game to process all the parts of the contest. If you have any questions about playing time or things that occur during a game please give both coaches 24 hours before you contact us.  Text or is the best way to reach me but please don’t hesitate to call or

12 Fundraising Concession stand during games: varsity, JV, and Middle school WE ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS AND DONATIONS Sign up for at least one half of your child’s opposite game  as many games as you can commit to. Game ticket raffle Benefit game- Senior will decide what our benefit game will be this year New ideas??

13 YOUTH LEAGUE Starting the first week of September youth league will practice every Wednesday from 5:30-6:30pm. High school players are encouraged and expected to help when they can. This is the future of our program Play days every Sunday 8am-10am at HA please come support Ends on our senior night games where there will be a game at halftime Help spread the word and get young girls involved 

14 Important dates and events
Hampden Play day- August 24th at Hampden Academy starting at 8:30am. Schedule will be posted online and ed Photo Day: Monday August 26th be there by 12:15 dressed for pictures in game day gear. Pictures from 12:30-1:30 then getting on the bus to go to Nokomis Preseason Scrimmages: August 26th- away at Nokomis, August 28th vs John Baps, August 31st at Oldtown Impact testing for all new players August 12th 12-1pm or 1-2pm August 13th 4-5pm-5-6pm August 16th 12-1pm or 1-2pm All tests are in the Computer Lab rm 302 BHS offering physicals- August 8th from 5-7pm bring physical form with you. Cost is $40 at the exam. No appointment necessary

15 BEFORE YOU LEAVE Grab copies of schedules
Sign up for game time to cover concessions Write your down on the list Take a copy of my contact information

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